A shady spot may not be the best place to grow fruits and vegetables, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done! Choose your crops carefully and even shady gardens can be pleasingly productive.
By using a few simple techniques you can encourage naturally shade-tolerant fruits and vegetables to produce a better harvest.
In this short video, we explain which crops grow well in the shade and how to make the most of the light that is available to get the most from your garden.
If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at http://bigbughunt.com
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"beer" traps, or "bear" traps?
You killed that poor worm at 3:24
Great video sir. But can i know what can i grow in a 24/7 shady area?
I had trouble growing broccoli this year. I’m in zone 7 using raised beds. I I started from seed in late summer for a fall crop, but only got leaves. No green. What did I do wrong?
Cilantro will thrive and be slower to bolt in deep shade.
Well that's good news! I just moved to a new home with a garden that's partially shaded by neighbouring trees and fences and I was worried about what would grow! First step…To start my compost heap!
Tomato is shady places
Building a fence arbor for pole bean and cucumbers. Trying to optimize and plant bvb a fruit or vegetable down the middle any idea
Thank you!! Growing our own food is becoming even more important now!
Thank you this is very helpful especially since most of our little courtyard barely get sun.
What are the beautiful colourful flowers at the front of the screen at 0:34 seconds into the video? Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge!
Nice Video clip! Excuse me for the intrusion, I would love your opinion. Have you tried – Saankramer Breathtaking Design System (do a search on google)? It is a great one off product for learning how to design an amazing dream landscape minus the normal expense. Ive heard some great things about it and my cousin got excellent success with it.
Im so jealous of your food garden!!!
Thank you so much for this informative video! I got so much out of it.
I have slow worms in my garden and have no idea what they eat. I know cats eat them given half a chance. Yucky. Are they beneficial? They love the compost heap.
"lettuce know"
The only place I have had success planting lettuce from seed has been in our shady garden. Endive does great too and recently have had some Nasturshums pop up too.
He said let us know … And didn't realize it
It's very hard to do this practically. Lettuce might grow in part sun, but very slowly. It's very vulnerable before it reaches a certain size.
Reflecting surfaces will block light behind them, as will tall vines.
Plants that grow slowly, potatoes, lettuce, Swiss chard, that will grow even into late fall, can grow in the shade, but you are talking 4-5 months of growth.
I have only 2 hours sunlight 1pm to 3pm what can I sow? Means vegetables or fruit in Pakistan.
Not growing any vegetables or fruit in my garden for production purposes or anything like that. You can consider that my garden doesnt receive sunlight at all during any part of the day due to the adjoining walls whose shadow covers most of the garden during high noon , and all of the garden from afternoon onwards. What would be the best reflective materials you can suggest for growing just normal grass and seasonal flowers. Will a straight or curved mirror be useful?
What are those pretty flowers in front
There's a part of my yard that is so shady, I don't think it gets any sun whatsoever (or less than 3 hours if even that). Can I grow anything there at all? I've already tried bitter melons but the seeds didn't even germinate. Thank you.
Great info and advice as always, thank you
I am learning a lot and love the idea of try out the software, but Is there an option for too much sun?… I live in a desertic area so my problem is to burn the plans with too much sun
funny comedy speachless movie on growing vegetables and dwarf fruit trees in pots by a family to overcome hunger in Tamil and other languages
funny comedy speachless movie on growing vegetables and dwarf fruit trees in pots by a family to overcome hunger in Tamil and other languages
i’m going from 10 years of full sun garden.
to now- forest. mossy ground and ferns. also high predation- squirrels, chipmunks, birds, deer. also have snakes.
i used to grow beautiful blueberries, corn, cukes, tomatoes, peas, peppers, spinach, lots of things.
what can i grow in a forested yard, with high predation? Deep shade.
I have planted several plants that say "direct sunlight" and they burned. I live in the high desert there are no clouds in the summer. Everything burns.