June 7, 2024

VIDEO: What to do with Green Tomatoes

After months nurturing your tomato plants it can be disheartening to have lots of unripe fruits that need harvesting before the weather turns or blight strikes. All is not lost! Green tomatoes can often be ripened indoors or used in delicious recipes.

In this video, we’ll show you everything you need to know to ripen your tomatoes, and we’ve two totally tasty green tomato recipes to try too!

Follow the recipes for our green tomato recipes…
– Fried-green tomatoes: https://www.growveg.com/guides/fresh-and-tasty-fried-green-tomatoes/
– Green tomato chutney: https://www.growveg.com/guides/fresh-from-your-garden-tomato-chutney-recipes/

Here’s a link to the other video on ripening green tomatoes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49K8Q3UttVk
And a link to the video on water bath canning, with a cracking recipe for green bean pickle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABzE2jI3YpM

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: What to do with Green Tomatoes

  1. I use an apple to help ripen fruit. Maybe because I’m from a cooler growing zone- 3b. Apples are common, you have several trees in every block. Bananas, in contrast, you buy them at the store.

  2. Going to try this with some green tomatoes I picked due to frost warning.
    Here is another recipe I made for Mincemeat with green tomatoes.
    Green Tomato Mincemeat – from MasterCook

    12 cups green tomatoes- cored ( 7 lb.)

    16 cups apples cored ( 8 lb. )

    4 cup raisins

    2 cups currants ( or more raisins )

    1 cup cider vinegar

    2 Lemons- seeded

    2 Oranges- seeded

    6 cups sugar

    2 Tablespoons cinnamon

    2 teaspoons nutmeg ( I went light on this)

    3 teaspoons salt

    2 pinches of ground cloves

    1 teaspoon of ground allspice

    8 Tablespoons soft margarine

    Grind tomatoes in food grinder, discarding about 2/3 of juice.

    Grind apples in food grinder, SAVING all juice. Grind oranges, lemons, raisins and currants, saving ALL juices. Combine all ingredients in a large pot. Cook slowly for about 2 hours , be careful it doesn’t burn. It should be nice and thick with just a little bit of juice. Ladle into hot jars and seal. Process in boiling water bath for 15 min. Makes 9 quarts.

  3. I make green tomato pickle. Done properly it can last in jars for years. Pity in Australia we lost EZY Sauce. It was available for over 75 years. Made the most wonderful pickle and tomato relish.

  4. Would all this information apply to cherry tomatoes as well? Its mid October in zone 5b, and we are getting a frost tonight, so I picked green and red tomatoes. Before I throw away the green ones, I am searching to see if they are viable, or worth keeping.

  5. Thanks: 1. I wasn't sure if it was safe to eat green toms, 2. a banana and a warm box! that's good info, 3. I don't know what cornmeal is, let alone polenta – time to go look.

  6. Just went out and picked more ripe tomatoes. It’s getting colder here in Ohio so tomorrow its going to be 70 . I am going to harvest as many as I can . Then harvest the rest. Thank you for you’re info

  7. green tomato jam : cut green tomatoes in little parts, slide a organic lemon and some ginger root // put the green tomatoes in a pot and cover them with the lemon slices and the ginger parts // cover up with some sugar ( I use about 60 gram for to pots of jam ) // let sit a whole night // the next day you will see the sugar has melted and some juice is produced // cook the jam untill you can mash it the masher you use to make mashed pototoes and the juice has boiled down / if still to running ad some pectine and let cook some minutes with the pec ( I made it tree times, the first to times I added the pec and third time it was not needed ) // the lemon gives it a very nice touch…

  8. Great stuff, once again, Ben. Thanks. I have a lot of green toms this season due to weather and late planting on my part. I make green tomato chutney, which is always nice.

  9. I have taken hundreds of tomatoes inside to ripen here in Nebraska. Mine all ripen as long as the stem is kept attached to the tomato. When I get tired of eating them I freeze them to pop into soup in the winter.

  10. I also quite like to make a salsa with excess tomatoes. I tend to freeze in small batches rather than can, because a while jar is more than we would use at a time. But you can make a green tomato salsa. Might be a fun way to liven up those Mexican feasts. Thanks for the video, I love how useful and down to earth your style is. It's nice to know other people have as much enthusiasm for growing and cooking things as I do.

  11. Very good, thank you, questions answered in one video! I have a lot of green tomatoes to deal with, also apples that a friend gave me…. I may try the fried green tomatoes using gram flour (chickpea) which makes a good self-thickening batter, as I'm out of eggs…. good alternative for vegans too.

  12. Thank you! It is November 16th in North Carolina USA and I just pulled more Tomatoes off my tomato plants than I did all summer. I live in a condo so I only had a few plants however they didn't produce all summer. I got about 10 the beginning of last month but I just pulled off about 30! At least they won't be hitting the trash can before I give them one last shot!

  13. I read that green tomatoes contain alkaloid compounds, such as solanine, atropine and tomatine which are lethal in large quantities. So don't eat raw green tomatoes, cook them well.

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