June 8, 2024

VIDEO: The Incredible "10% Rule" That Every Gardener Should Use | Increase Yields & Pollinators

This video is kindly sponsored by Clipper Teas https://www.clipper-teas.com/ – Today’s video is something I have been wanting to make for a while to really explore how we as vegetable gardeners can help create more space for wildlife, specifically pollinators whilst also improving food production. The 10% rule is a very simple way that we can make a small change that will lead to great results and is something I feel every vegetable gardener should do on an annual basis. Little steps quickly add up to big changes that make such an incredible difference in the veg garden.

Find out more about Clipper’s work to support bees: https://www.clipper-teas.com/save-the-bees/

Support the incredible National Trust Meadows Appeal: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/appeal/making-meadows-appeal

-✒️Online Courses-
More Food Less Effort Course: http://morefoodlesseffort.com/
Planting Plan Short Course: https://abundanceacademy.online/p/the-monthly-planting-plan

Exclusive videos from the garden and beyond


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HuwRichardsOfficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/huwsgarden/

Awesome clothing designed for vegetable gardeners: https://huwrichards.teemill.com/

#clipperteas #vegetablegardening #organicseptember
Vegetable gardening
Organic gardening
Raised Bed Gardening

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Incredible "10% Rule" That Every Gardener Should Use | Increase Yields & Pollinators

  1. I have moved away from using the expression "organic gardening" due to what deemed organic buy the federal government and what they allow.
    There are a number of non natural soil amendments/fertilizers allowed under the organic standards and still be considered organic.
    I use 0% non natural products in my garden. And so consider and refer to myself as a natural gardener and my gardens as naturally grown.
    If a person uses a synthetic soil amendment/fertilizer how is it "organic"? But there are many that are allowed in the "organic" farming industry.

  2. I guess it started with my father taking me out to the yard to plant trees which we saw mature over the years we were there. He planted the seed for my love of gardening. His grandfather was a horticulturist. As an adult I've always had a garden with vegetables and flowers but have planted more herbs than ever. When we moved into the present house I started a herb garden with the existing oregano. I then added lemon balm for tea and thyme and savoury. Then came the lavenders and sage. I started planting nasturtiums, basil, cilantro and dill. Gradually I replaced the shrubs with perennial flowers like yarrow, blanket flowers and echinacea, haskaps, serviceberries, grapes and gooseberries. We also installed lilacs. When I plant my garden I always include marigolds, dill and borage. This year my neighbours started feeding birds that come over to eat the bugs in my garden. One also has bee houses and I saw a large increase in bumble bees and numerous other bee populations. Don't forget to leave the leaves down for a while in the spring as well since the bees winter over in them and the hollow stems of some plants. Thank you for passing on your knowledge and love of gardening and learning how to do it so effectively.

  3. Nothing new under the sun.

    The Galactic Milankovitch cycles cause our climate cycles.

    Eccentricity; 240,000 year rotation of the galactic bulge,

    Obliquity 60,000 years between Aphelion Ice age and Perihelion tropical age

    Precession 26,000 cycle every 12,000 years our solar system crosses over our galaxies electromagnetic gravitational plane for a 1,000 years causing EMP plasma bursts (pillars of Fire), Oort cloud comets, and global east to west cataclysmic Mud Flood Tsunami deluges.

    Covid like CO2 is a comfortable LIE built upon an inconvenient truth.

    The Baby Boomers who were born en mass 76 years ago are starting to die en mass from the usual suspects of seasonal Flu which leads to pneumonia and old age.

    The Covid MASK of the BEAST to BUY or SELL is a pretext for the Heavy metal vaccine of the BEAST combined with 5G microwave oven towers depopulation FINAL SOLUTION before the Great Year Resets to planet with E-W Tidal waves.

    China's "One Child policy" in western christian democracies is Abortion, LGBTQ, Euthanasia, Sterilization, Sex changes and anti children propaganda etc.

    BLM/ALM is a divide and conquer humanity by race creed and religion.

    Jesus loved all races because there is only one race, the HUMAN race with only one minority the INDIVIDUAL human. Slave is equal to master. Love your neighbor like your brother, because he is your brother in the human race.

    Jesus had FAITH in HUMANITY, it is time for HUMANITY to have faith in themselves and JESUS or be condemned to the BIT-HU-MAN pits of hell only to be released by fire.

    We all came from our mothers as equals. We are all the sum of our life's experiences and teachings.

    Grade 5 science could debunk CO2 caused climate cycles. Cause and effect and closed loop.

    Temperature is rising first and CO2 follows as the Arctic thaws due to Obliquity and Precession.

    Energy is neither created nor destroyed. On this planet. All EM energy comes from and or returns to the electromagnetic double torus we call the galactic Nucleus/Bulge.

    Earth is a closed CO2 loop

  4. We let the early flowering trees alone, also the wild apple trees and the dandelions…. we keep most of our "land" growing wild, just adding bee friendly bushes and perennials. Also, as you are talking about preserving the natural world – I will tell you that I have taken the pledge not to buy or eat farmed salmon, thus protecting our sea and rivers, and our health too! The farming kills off our fjords and everywhere it is produced! Please join us in taking the pledge.

  5. Thanks for the video, I have just switched to trying organic gardening. Still trial and error for me up in the frozen north of Finland, I have reduced the lawn size now opened it up to pollinator friendly plants as well as looking for vegetables that attract these .

  6. When making seed bombs please make sure to choose plants that are native to your area. Some wild flower packets contain species that may be invasive to your region. I was surprised to find Forget-Me-Not seeds (which are highly invasive in my part of the world) in a wildflower seed blend from my local garden shop.

  7. Huw, thank you so much for this YouTube. I really like how you broke it down to just doing ONE thing can make a difference. I buy lots of organic products but often feel guilty when I can't buy everything organic or when some months I have to buy less Organic than I normally do. Also, we moved to a new home last year so this year I was able to see the fall planting I did make a big difference with my pollinators. I loved it. So so so many bees and butterflies this year. Can't wait to see what next year brings.

  8. I love your videos! I have purposed for several years now to only plant edible flowers. I want to help the bees and butterflies too, my problem is that my plants don't grow very well, Thanks for all your info and tips

  9. Thank you for this information. I just moved to the upper AZ desert in the USA last year. I grew in containers but had sub-par harvests due to both heat and mostly, lack of pollinators. I will add more flowering vegetables and herbs as well as a lot of brilliantly colored flowers for my next season of Spring/Summer gardening.

  10. I love this idea of continuing marginal gains. I've already converted staples like onions and potatoes to my own organically self-grown source. It's really easy to get enough in one growing season to last my family the whole year. In fact, I can't think of any vegetables I purchased this year. But what about bread? Surely I can find an organic source for bread and push us just a little further in the right direction. By the way, I loved leaving many of my turnips and radishes to grow on this year. They bloomed like crazy, the bees went absolutely nuts over them, and now I have plenty of seeds for next year's crop.

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