Endo Mycorrhizal Fungi . Part 5 of 12 Part Series that will help you understand the PRO’S & CON’S of Back to Eden organic deep mulch gardening 101 method with wood chips to composting just Fall leaves. Great start for beginners Tour our secrets for organic soil grow & gardening vegetables 101 documentary with pest control. Looking into soil food web & soil health in organic garden. diy garden
VIDEO: Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Series #5
Endo Mycorrhizal Fungi . Part 5 of 12 Part Series that will help you understand the PRO’S & CON’S of Back to Eden organic deep mulch gardening 101 method with wood chips to composting just Fall leaves. Great start for beginners Tour our secrets for organic soil grow & gardening vegetables 101 documentary with pest control. Looking into soil food web & soil health in organic garden. diy garden
Looks great Mark! Love the diversity of growing/mulch mediums. The speed of breakdown is really impressive for the leaf mold while the wood chips provide a more steady and longer term benefit. Your techniques are solid and appreciate your efforts!
Really enjoy seeing and hearing your Back to Eden organic gardening method. You do a nice job of explaining. Love the meat thermometer idea too.
wonder how layers of wood chips and leaf mold combined would do?
Awesome Mark!
I happened to come across some info on that Liquid carbon pathway you so well described in your last video in this series.
As you can see the LCP functions quite a bit differently that the labile carbon represented by the decomposing leaves and wood chips, yet both help each other. There are other benefits as well:
Great series. I have a much better understanding of how it works now. You are a great teacher.
Hi there. What do you do with eg. tomato plants that have finished growing. Do you pull them out or just snip off the tops and leave the roots in the ground?
love your videos Mark, thanks. ABout to plant some potatoes. I'm gonna try the back to eden method, I have 2 10 ft beds of wood chips put down last year. I'm also going to try a no dig method on top of a layer of cardboard and compost covered with straw. It will be interesting to see which does better
REally looking forward to seeing how this turns out this year. I'll keep you upated on my potato experiment. Cheers
when you put the leaves down, how did you keep it from blowing away
i dump whole leaves on mine in fall and then take lawnmover with mulching blade and shred very fine and then overwinter. in spring i lightly rake the top and whatever not composted i revisit with lawnmower and mulch to fine . then spring clean up in my yard gets all dumped into my beds and mulched. and i let my chickens process beds to even finer grain as i add chicken hay and waste.
what crops in your knowledge can survive frost so that I may keep a living root in the ground over winter….it's about 32°F night time temperature for three months in Johannesburg south Africa…. regards….thanks for your awesome channel
Do you cut the vegetable plant to the ground leaving the roots in the ground when it's season is over or do you pull out the whole veg. plant (ex. tomatoes ) at the end of the season?
I learn so much from your videos. Thanks for answering my question and for the great info.
Your series is so informative, thanks so much
Mark, one of your videos shows you planting squash in appear weed barrier after you'v e knocked down clover. Will you please tell me your source and name of that rolled paper?
Thank you for all the helpful info!! Question, we have a new garden plot that has had about 6 inches of wood mulch on top for the past 6 months or so then lots of weeds we just cut short. We know we need to layer LOTS more before spring planting. My question is, do we deep mulch it right away then stop layering to plant a cover crop like winter rye or just keep layering and layering all winter. We have no tress at all in this area and awful soil. We appreciate your wisdom! The plot is not too large maybe about 20 ft by 20 ft.
Great video. Thank you for taking the time to explain why BTE works, and how you even go one better with the living cover crop. Two thumbs up.
Did you abandon the sunflower planting?
question…why not just let's nature put down roots? aka weeds? the design of nature starts the repair work of cleared land with plants that mostly have deep roots which start the fungal pathways u talk about. weeds start prep…then are slowly replaced w herbal types then bush types then on to trees and back to forrest. so if vegetables are between herbs n bushes in canopy why not just let weeds do there thing and plant vegetables amount them. also most plants roots will die off underground according to supporting foliage above ground. so if weeds get too big chop n drop them. the roots die back providing more voids for air and water and food for the fungi…and at top side the chopped weeds become ground cover mulch on the surface around your veges? we fight weeds when maybe we should just be using them? who need compost piles when u can compost chopped n dropped weeds right on sight? and if u r chopping and dropping the weeds u control if they go to seed or not, yes? why pay for cover crops and spend time planting unless u can get a crop from them? but most cover crops r just for roots and then go where, compost pile? who needs that extra work? that my theory…and I'm testing it this year. anyone do this with success? we r all brainwashed that all weeds must be gone…really? only negative I see is weeds can Harbor bad insects maybe? there should be little competition for water n nutrients if they r chopped from time to time. hummm….just wondering.
Your tractor (seems pretty heavy) doesn't seem to be having much of an impact on the soil, ground. I'd think it would sink more in the leaf mold, perhaps more so than the wood chips, and compact the soil. Again, though, that doesn't seem to be the case.
Can I ask for your thoughts, comments on this?
Relocate the gophers into your stomach. Taste as good as rabbits, and equally tender.
Do the wood chips warm the plants and soil?
thumbs up for educational content – interesting presentation
Hi Mark! Thanks for the lessons!
I have some questions. (I just started gardening for a month now xD)
The native soil in my place is quite hydrophobic, so what I did was I tilled and mixed biochar-green manure and some compost in the soil.
Then I mulched with the fresh wood chips. (from this point on, no more tilling permanently)
I learned from your videos that living roots play the most vital role in the making of environment for micorhyzzal fungi.
There's really no tree roots below our yard.
Sorry for the lengthy story. My question is, should I plant cover crops or leave it unplanted for 1 year like you did?
Thanks in advance
I started sunflowers this year and none of them are coming up last year they did in in zone 8b, same as Paul Gautschi maybe my seed is bad?
….ALLL….verywellandgood HOWEVER…. CA$H crops WILL sequester Carbon as well as ANYTHING else…(..especially with all that Organic Matter going ON…. IN…. AND down..)… whereby YOU…. can….$EQUE$TER…. all that CA$H….