June 9, 2024

16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing In A Recylcled Window Greenhouse

  1. I started using those cups too. Really like them except they fall over so easy. I'm going to have to build a carry tray or something. I might try watering from the bottom some time, but right now just water from the top and don't even have holes. I just feel the soil a little ways down and see if it's dry or not. I've been using yogurt containers for years the same way, but needed more. Good use of space. Insulated panels over the glass at night would save heat, but you'd probably have to keep them outside and it might be hard to change without knocking over plants. I have a glass south wall with sliding panels that go up into the wall upstairs. Saves a ton on heat and I start my garden in the spring.

  2. Beautiful green house. You have a lot of seedlings. Will you be planting them all out or are you also selling?

    I'm converting my small lawn back garden to veggie garden and will be posting a transformation video soon. You along with John Choler (from growing your greens) have been an inspiration.

  3. Pretty damn cool set up James! Just got most of my garden in. I've been saving scraps as well for chicken coop additions and a badass greenhouse. My big goal is to set up an aquaponics system to keep me busy during the winter as well. Cant stand waiting until garden season. I'll try to get my projects and garden on here to share as well!

  4. Check out my gardening video James! Not sure how this works very well yet. Not sure if I can upload a video in your comment section or if you just have to check out my stuff on my page? I'll figure it out eventually.

  5. James, quick question: what kind of soil are you using for your seedlings? Also, this probably goes for many of your fans as well but, I think I am just as excited to see your forest blow up this year as you are. God bless.

  6. Awesome greenhouse, I want to start selling some tomato and pepper starts too, my starts look as good as the commercial ones and I'm sure yours will too. I hadn't thought of selling them at a flea market, good idea, hope you have an abundant season.

  7. Wow, nice propagation house James. You just made me want to ditch my grow room. Hardening off plants is such a pain in the butt, and heating a 20 foot unheated polytunnel is just not cost effective at all. Damn, I got a new project now! Your B2E inspired garden looks amazing, Look forward to more videos!

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