June 10, 2024

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Sow Peas – Allotment Grow How

  1. Your filming just gets better and better. It makes planting peas more interesting. I will have to take a leaf out of your book! I will check out Andy's channel, I think I'm already subscribed to him. All the best, Adam, speak to you soon.x

  2. You've got so much in. Already starting to look like a plot of veg. I only have my broad beans in. I'd better get cracking. My money is on the wet peas, hope the mice stay away. Maybe those buzzards have been helping your cause? I also enjoyed the pea music ๐Ÿ™‚ Great update Adam. Jazz (P.S. can you put a link to Andy McDonald's channel?)

  3. Hi Adam, hope you have success with your peas. I have soaked peas in paraffin in the past and found that the mice do not touch them. This year I am trying the spouting method.Looking forward to the outcome on a later video. Dave.

  4. I hope the Budweiser wasn't wasted – though I remember MUCH BETTER British beers. Never mind – any beer is an excellent source of Nitrogen (if allowed to take its course).
    The plot is looking very good.

  5. Brilliant camera work as usual, Adam. Your vids are in a league of their own, mate.

    Best of luck with the peas, I can't be arsed with them myself.

    Oh, and try plonking one of those dalek type compost bins over your rhubarb. That might shock it into getting its finger out.

  6. Good video again Andy. Bit behind with you tube at the moment on catch up. Impressed with your parsnips coming through. Trawled back on your previous videos cant find when you sowed them? Help would be appreciated .
    Cheers Mike B (Have subscribed to Andy McDonald)

  7. We love peas on our Rocky Mountain Homestead…I love to soak my peas for 2 to 3 days, they germinate a lot faster…You gotta change the water though, otherwise it gets milky…A little sugar snap peas, a little hulled peas and some snow peas…

  8. Just found your videos, quite impressed, look forward to more. My method. To deter mice from scoffing outdoor sown pea and bean seed, soak sawdust with parrafin and coat seeds before sowing, by placing all in a polythene bag and giving a good mix. Set out seed and sawdust before covering. It does seem to throw the little buggers.

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