June 10, 2024

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Best Tool to Till Raised Garden Beds

  1. Oh yeah! E-Tool is definitely a useful tool to have around for many reasons. Mine would have been 25 years old if I still had it. When we made our move 6 years ago I shipped our stuff and the carton containing my E-Tool was in one that got lost. Along with my large ALICE pack 2 extra poncho liners and ponchos, Gore-Tex jacket, an entire reel of 550 cord, blowup sleeping mat (we called them the rubber lady back then) among other things. The words that escaped my mouth when I found they were lost are not fit to print.

  2. Just wanted to tip you off to an Australian youtube channel called Gardening Gurus. They are fantastic and have an episode on growing unusal fruits like you do. They show fingerling limes, some kind of fruit like a paw paw and some interesting cherry. I just know you will enjoy this varied channel.

  3. hi, I bought that army spade gizmo from a disposal store. It was $20. I haven't used it yet, but can't wait ๐Ÿ™‚ my raised beds aren't as high as yours though.

  4. Mark, I finally found one!! I can't thank you enough for your tool idea for the garden bed. Most you see today are so cheaply made, that I found it hard to get one like the military one we use to have. It's a cheap one, but doesn't look too bad, and I got it at Amazon so no shopping. It's just the right size for me, and I'm so happy I found it. Thanks again for the suggestion, it's going to be a big help in my gardens this year. Bless, Sheila(Mil-Tec US Military Style Folding Shovel with Pick.)

  5. Thank you Mark! I'm new to your channel, I mentioned it recently. I normally don't comment on older videos, but I had to. I'm in my 50s and back issues and decided to start a small edible garden will raised beds because of just too much rock in my property. This tool will be handy, now I'll be on the hunt for one if there's such tool here in the US. Much appreciated, truly! Love, Health and Peace to you and yours!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. I always thought that tool was rubbish. Now that iโ€™m fully working on my garden, this tool actually come very handy. Thank you for this tip.
    I usually work with a shovel, a crowbar And a machete (may sound weird, but in the island it is a useful tool)

  7. I got a little camping shovel like this from the camping section of Kmart a few years ago. I might put it to use in the garden now. usually I use a little hand hoe that I adore and is the perfect weight for easy use. It totally decimates weeds. But it might be good to use something a little broader to help dig the soil over. Thanks for the idea!

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