March 27, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Kale – Complete Growing Guide

In this growing guide we will talk about the basics of growing kale. We
will discuss things like how to fertilize kale, how much sunlight does
kale need, spacing, soil requirements, temperature requirements, and
some quick tidbit facts about it’s amazing nutrient dense properties.
Grow some kale!
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Kale – Complete Growing Guide

  1. I just found your Complete Growing Guide for How to Grow Kale. I clicked on it because I want to know about growing Kale. For the complete guide could you show me what it is like growing? How about when you're harvesting? Maybe on what it's like next winter and what to do then? Can't you do that in 8-10 minutes? Otherwise, I'm left wishing for my 8:23 back.

  2. Would wood ash be a good way to feed kale? I scattered a heavy layer of ash all over my beds before the season took off and deep watered the beds and I have been growing just enor,ous kale, I'm talking a 2 foot wide bushel for each plant. I'm in northern Michigan and I have a lowly sand soil that I basically finalized with decomposed mulch, compost and manure and this is the first year anything's grown here and it's doing fantastic, transplants are a little iffy tho as the soil hasn't built up a heavy organic make up.

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