March 27, 2025

VIDEO: How to Harden Off Indoor-Sown Plants

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Planting out carefully raised seedlings or plants is a proud moment, but if you started them off indoors it’s important to take the time to acclimatize them to the outdoors if they’re to grow and produce well.

‘Hardening off’ is the process of getting indoor-sown young plants accustomed to life outdoors to ensure that the transition is stress-free and doesn’t stall growth.

In this short video we demonstrate the best ways to prepare your plants for the great outdoors and help them to settle into their new home with ease.

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Harden Off Indoor-Sown Plants

  1. We live in Oklahoma and the main problem for me when hardening is that the plants can get too much sun. My solution is to place a brick on the north side of the plant. Then cover the plant with a 1X6 board that is held up on the north side by the brick and touches the ground on the south side. That way the plant gets sun in the morning and late in the day with ambient light during mid day.

  2. I call it "walking the plants" lol. I have some peppers that I take out during the day but bring back inside at night, until nights warm up a bit more.

  3. Hey so in my region I have been experiencing abnormally large amounts of rain which is leading to rot rot in my tomato and cucumbers any suggestions as to how to stop this issue?

  4. Before taking the plants outside to harden them off, I blow on them multiple times a day to start the process.
    I have a 20+ foot rubber tree inside my home and every day i give it a shake. This has caused the trunk to thicken however it is so bloody tall that it also needs a wall attached support at the 10 foot level to prevent it from toppling over.

  5. Some really good tips. I found it tricky to harden off plants when on the plot as I can't bring them outside every day however started using fleece instead so seedlings go straight away from poly to the ground and under the fleece.

  6. im growing tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, strawberries and chilli red peppers im most proud of the tomatoes which my biggest tomato plant was planted in march and about to flower, could you give me any tips on how i can keep my tomatoes healthy ^_^

  7. Thanks for all the good info. There's a question that I can't find an answer to and I've checked all the garden sites I can think of. WHEN do you start hardening off tomato plants? Do they need to have a certain amount of leaves? I have little baby seedlings that came up probably three weeks ago. How do I know when they should start being hardened off? I'm past the frost date. Can you tell me specifics about what size the seedlings need to be before I take them Outdoors to start hardening off? Thank you in advance!

  8. Wondering if anyone can help. I hardened off my plants for about 8/9 days and then we had an unexpected change in weather last week. The plants had to come inside for four days. Do I need to start the whole process again or would the 9 days they had be sufficient? Am growing a selection of outdoor tomatoes, courgettes, beans and cauliflower. Many thanks in advance for your help!

  9. After 6 weeks in my basement nursery, I have had my peppers in a huge bay window full sun all day for the last full month. I topped them two weeks ago and they are spectacularly lush and bushy. I moved them outside yesterday under a covered patio, it is 18 degrees celcius sunny and a nice breeze. Today they look a little stressed I assumed all those days in the full sun had weather hardened them. Is it normal for them to look stressed under the conditions I have mentioned, I have 140 pepper plants and I dont want anything to go wrong. My plants are 6 inches tall and 8 inches wide with about thirty leaves on each one.

  10. Hardening off young trees, HOW????? I don't see me dooing the same with young recently bought trees as one do with litlle plants, so that is way the question.

  11. Hello, thank for all the tips. I am only in my second year of growing and my first year with a polytunnel. Any tips on transferring chillis from my bedroom windowsill into the polytunnel please?

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