June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Gardening with Cattle Panels~

Cattle or hog panels are a tremendous way to expand your gardens and to help grow vertical! They can be used in so many applications and can assist any homestead-city, suburbs and country! Not to mention you can create a gorgeous landscape in your gardens! Who doesn’t love that!
Enjoy & thanks for watching! xoxo
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Gardening with Cattle Panels~

  1. Planted morning glories on one last year and it was beautiful, this year we will be trying cucs, butternut and spaghetti squash along with the morning glories.

  2. Good job Patara! Self confessed panel junkie here……bean tunnel (5panels), cucumbers, tomatoes, climbing lima beans etc. Think I had 24 in the garden last year. Great tip on the grass clippings too! Super nitrogen. Love your channel!

  3. Nice update. What is the distance between the T post? Now that it is place, how tall is the arch? Can you walk through it? I've been thinking about this idea as an archway leading to an herb garden.
    To plant a garden is to believe in the future.

  4. just love my cattle panel arched trellis I have like this for my peas and pole beans. Best trellising in my opinion. OMGosh grass clippings I now have a mower with a collection bag so I can collect my grass clippings also, but Imma a little conflicted on where they would best be utililized, in my garden as mulch, or to make more compost, or just add them to the chicken coop for them to continue to make my compost.

  5. I found you here recently and just wanted to say how much I enjoyed watching your videos. You have such a great personality. I recently bought 7.3 acres of raw land and have been working hard to turn it into a family homestead. Lots of money involved.

  6. I know this is an older video, but I have some experience trellising pumpkins. Do you think an arched cattle panel would be strong enough to support 3 or 4 jack o lantern style pumpkins?

  7. Hello from South Texas!
    I have two questions today.
    1: where did you say that you got your bean seeds?
    2: what is a lasagna garden?
    This has intrigued me since I first heard it. Thank you for the great tips…keep it up

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