In this growing guide we will be discussing pot size, fertilizing,
watering, the types of carrots to grow, spacing, and soil type. Carrots
are fun to grow and very easy to grow as well!
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I’ve messed up with thinning carrots in containers and mine failed, lessons learned
Thanks for sharing info on carrot container gardening. As I am new to gardening ur clear explanation helps me a lot . I have couple questions to ask here
1. When is the right time to sow the carrot seeds.
2. Which brand is good for All purpose fertilizer.
3. Can I use all purpose fertilizer for any veggies?
Please let me know the answers for above question and it helps ..
Hahaha i loved the bent carrot comment. However i have had no luck with in ground carrots because we have a lot of clay and with my husbands amending with manure for years and rototillering often we always got very short and bitter carrots. My husband even had our soil rested. Anyway this year 2021bi am going to try container carrots. Thank you for this video
Future husband goals!
Is it true that carrot plants benefit from fresh coffee grounds?
Yes, I am trying carrots in a pot this year first time ever. I started life on a farm, and Dad & Mom had wonderful produce they grew canned and froze everything for their family of 7. Now I'm 66 and live in a seniors condo section, and I'm learning how to do everything in pots and containers. Nothing tastes as good as home grown food, so I'm looking forward to what we can accomplish. I like listening to your podcasts, they are concise and informative, as well as having your own personal experience and ideas. Thanks a lot, and keep growing!
Thank you very much.
Can you secession plant carrots? I'm on Vancouver Island, zone 6.
Should the carrots be keep moist?
When planting do you soak you soil first or water once the seeds are in?
With fertilizer do you add any at the start or only after theyve been growing for a month?
If possible place where it won’t get afternoon sun if you have 80+ F days regularly. They’ll be better carrots and need less water.
Growing tons of scarlet nantes in a 15 gal grow bag! The leaves look pretty nice now but I'm worried because I only thinned them to 2 inches vs. 4 … debating if I should thin them more even though it's pretty late?
Could've put 6 times as many carrots in that size pot bud!
What should I fertilize my carrots with in their second year to help it produce flowers? I want to collect seeds from them.
The thing not talked about on many growing carrots videos is when to plant them
Growing everything in containers. My carrots are still so small, taking forever to get a decent size. I did bunch them close though. Nitrogen is the answer? Will move them to a longer sun location too. Thanks.
Love the ending ……
Thanks for making this so simple! Going to try carrots in containers for the first time this fall in Texas and I’m so much less intimidated now!!!
must have missed this when published. Where can we get the pots you used? Does your store sell them?
Thank you for an informative YouTube video. I decided to try growing carrots in containers. My container is about 20” wide and many of the carrot seeds got sprouted. They took about 12 days to sprout here in Sunnyvale, CA. Really excited and can’t wait to see a good harvest. Will try to sow seeds to germinate in my raised bed too, just to compare which way carrots grow better. It is Nov 2021.
Sooo excited to grow carrots now! Thank you for the great instruction!