March 24, 2025

VIDEO: How to Plant a Fruit Tree in the Backyard with Woodchip

This video gives a complete demonstration on how I plant a fruit tree in my backyard with woodchip for mulch around the base as well as other useful tips during the explanations.

Link to wood chip video mentioned:

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Plant a Fruit Tree in the Backyard with Woodchip

  1. How do remember and keep up with what and when to treat your plants? Can you make a video to show us how you catalog all the important steps of when to water, when to fertilize….etc?

  2. Hi, I have a Dwarf tree Apple Granny Smith and a Dwarf Golden Queen Peach Tree, can I put and keep them in a bug Pot Please, I'm not a gardenener but trying i need help badly,I live in Warragul

  3. Our grass is evil and will grow almost anywhere (usa)… Give it a few weeks and even if I had mulch around the tree it would grow on it or through it

  4. I bought a cheap wood chipper. Big mistake. I should have rented a larger one and gotten through all of it in one day. Just my advice, buy a good one or rent

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