Growing cabbage in containers?!? Say it isn’t so! That is right, it is
so! Cabbage does very well in containers and if you have the space you
can grow it too! In this episode I will be showing you how to grow
cabbage on your porch, patio, or container garden. I will also be
talking about sunlight requirements, how much to fertilize and how
often to fertilize your cabbage, spacing, soil type, and other care
tips for your success!
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I’m new at bucket planting for all vegetables like cabbage, carrots , turnips, and potatoes.
Can you mix 1/3 topsoil 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 cow manure for when you transplant your seedlings to buckets : but still add fertilizer during the growing season
You got great videos
Too much talking
you should definitely show the results of all these talk.
Why does zuchini plants only make male flowers
The potting mix cost more than the cabbage if we grow one in a container
when do you harvest cabbage
what is green sand?
My plants love warm water and cheap ammonia
Thank you
I need some help. I think i planted to many seeds per little container and wanted to see what you think and if it was a bad move isthere a way to fix it. I would post a picture but i dont know how.
My backyard floods and other than that is a huge hill lol
During the current coronavirus lockdown, I am looking to do indoor gardening for the first time ever. I really appreciate your honesty in this video in fact I subscribed and liked the vid. One thing I learned here is that cabbage is not something that I need to bother with at this time with my circumstances. Too demanding for now. Maybe later. Thanks buddy!
I have some dehydrated bananas can I use those?
Wow i got really large cabbage growing in containers
Growing in my house and 2 of the 4 red cabbage plants have large papery pale blotches? Do you know what it is? What can I do?
im in zone 10a can i start growing from seed now
What is green sand?
2:20 is where it starts.
Green sand? Is there a substitute for green sand? Thank u much
Please don’t talk so fast
I had a feeling you would say all that lol. Im on the right track. Thanks luke!
I think the sun where I am is pretty much done for the rest of the year. Hopefully i can still harvest something.
Just watched Youtube video. Gonna try my cabbage in pots. Thanks for the info.
Does this still apply if I'm starting my Cabbage in a pot to transfer to the ground later?
3:37 gave me chill bumps and made me bite the inside of my cheeks.
I use ashes for nitrogen its the best
i wll be putting seeds today after 2 hours
just soaking now
Add 1-2 T of blood meal