After a weeks worth of rain… the weeds have grown on the plot. I need to deal with them
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#weeding #gardening
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#weeding #gardening
Hi Adam, great to see you back again. Shame about the cabbage etc. I normally grow spring cabbage as you know, Spring Hero being the variety but this year one row went to seed before they even hearted up. Can't win them all I suppose. Let me know when the funeral of the sunflower is as I would like to attend. Dave.
Things are looking great! Brassicas, tell me about it. I´m not a huge fan of eating them either except the flowerhead ones and the ones i can stuff into a kraut vat, kohlrabi too. I might be doing only rootvegetables next year. I couldn´t get enough mesh netting to cover them so now they have caterpillars all over them. Fiddly things, i don´t enjoy growing them. I can´t get enough of the beetroot, kohlrabi and carrots. I just sowed another truckload of those. Just sow what you like eating, it´s not a show case. You have to eat it too. Also, brassicas take up a lot of darn space. I can grow 3-4 kilos of beetroot or carrots on that! Yummy.
Lovely just Lovely, Thank You.
The cabbage…that's bad. The Lupine…that good. The weeds…that bad. You murdering that little sunflower…that's a mistake. If I had a dime for every flower I've pulled I'd be paying someone else to do the weeding for me in those flower beds. I did weed the veg beds today. Took me a whole nine minutes…lol There were four in the tomato bed. Oh and by the way…you talked me into a Lupine for next year. Great vid bud. Thanx for the post.
Dude, you worked your ass off to cut those weeds. Beautiful lupines. Cheers!
Awesome update thank you for sharing have a blessed day
You should try kale, and or cavolo nero – looks great and you don't kill it by harvesting – just take the odd few leaves when you want some. Also seem to be much tougher than all the other brassicas.
I hate weeding too – really hate it… poor sunny oh well accidents happen
Good job Adam! Cheers 
Hi Adam, do you think if we come out of the E.U. we will get our British weather back instead of that Continental rubbish? It has rained here all week as well. Tuesday we had a months rain in one day and today so far (more to come) we had a months rain in six hours! plus thunder and lightning. Not been to the plot since Sunday, dreading what it could be like. Did a potato reveal pleased with the results. You worked hard yesterday must be worth the effort. Cheers Mike B
Oh no Adam the sunflower killer… Woops I mean weed killer..
well at least there was a proper memorial. Other than the brassicas the lot is looking good. Best of luck on the butternut squash… TFS, T.
Hi Adam, I would like to pay my respect to the poor sunflower.
I know I didnt know you poor fella but heard you was a fine chap with a sunny disposition and wish you fare well RIP
The plot is looking very tidy now until a few more days when its weeding again.
Best wishes
Oh no, we've already had the longest day?! I'm still waiting for summer to start. It's been miserable here so far this summer. Maybe a total of 5 scorchers in between drizzle and storms. Oh no, your cabbages look like mine! I hate growing brassicas too. I planted about 45 different ones last year (bought plants) and didn't get to eat a single leaf! Got one left and that's being eaten too! was going to try broccoli raab as thats fast growing, and maybe things like kohl rabi and turnips that are smaller and less leafy. But the rest of your plot (apart from the weeds) is doing great and looks very healthy. Loving those lupins
You make weeding look really fun! What the clucking bell did you do to your sunflower?! Rest in peace(s) dear sweet flower, cut down in your youth. Why does it always happen to the good ones?! Good call with your neighbour's seed heads. It's a shame you have to do that as well as your own. I don't hold out much hope that it will stop the weeds coming over from the thousands of others but every little helps! Good luck with your squash. I have never had much luck with them myself so hope you have the magic touch
Another great video with a big thumbs up from me. Jazz.
Hi nice video, earlier in the year you said you were going to take some cuttings of the grapes ? how did that go ? thanks.
yes that there any downside to it but it comes with the territory have garden or allotment have weeds but would we have it any other way I don't think so
Haha! loved the bit about the idiot :). Cheered me right up.