June 8, 2024

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Vandals on the Plot

  1. Glad to see your shed is ok mate. Shame about the others. I heard the woodpecker 5:25 😉 Had two in the woods in front of our house last week spent half an hour trying to get them on film.. But no they were taunting me.. I did get a glimpse as they flew off green woodpeckers we have black and spotted here too. I was very interested in birds as a kid then as a teenager got into the other sort of birds.. But now as a mature man the feathered are interesting again. Strange how life runs in circles 😉

  2. Glad to see the vandals left you alone Adam. Unfortunately that is the world we live in these days. Our garlic is about half as tall as yours and our tulips are doing well too. We planted about 300 garlic and 400 tulips last year. The tulips were my birthday present to my wife and we are looking forward to the blooms.
    All the best to you this year,

  3. Hello Adam. We had the same trouble last October they ripped the doors off the sheds and trashed the place. It's so disheartening when it happens. Your garlic looks well. All the best Nic

  4. Hi Adam, shame that your Allotments have been broken in to. Glad your plot wasn’t affected but it’s a pain for everyone who had their sheds broken in to. Garlic and tulips look good. Happy Easter. Take care. Nick

  5. That sucks. It's just damage for kicks. It's not like there's much gain apart from the odd box of teabags and a couple of stone enameled mugs. Good to see that your garlic is doing fine as well as the tulips. Woodpecker? Like we were supposed to believe that? A woolly mammoth often runs down our cul-de-sac, but do you think he'll do it when the camera is running? Tsk..

  6. It's awful that we have had to so accept the likelihood of vandalism and theft that we routinely take steps to minimise loss that give us extra work and inconvenience. When I was young I stayed in a village on the West coast of Ireland where crime was virtually nonexistent and locking something up would be seen as an insult to your neighbours. I asked a friend how that worked and he told me it was very simple. If anything was stolen or damaged everyone in the village became detectives and searched for the item or culprit and, when either was discovered, the Gardai were informed and charges brought against the suspect. No tolerance of any crime and everyone knew that was the rule. I visited the village 35 years later and it's still the same… that was very heartening.

  7. Pleased you have not suffered from the vandalism what a pain. Its nice weather at the moment but still nervous we may get another cold snap. My ground is registering 6 – 10 degrees with the soil thermometer but it is still too wet. My raised beds are a help I can keep on my paths and weed and on the no-dig bed I was able to plant the main crop spuds. Keep smiling and take care Mike B

  8. Glad you had no damage! That first shed that had the door off looked deserted. Do you have many empty plots there? Nice to see the garlic and tulips making an appearance. Signs of Spring are so exciting, even if they are not here for a while:))

  9. Sad to hear about the vandalism around in peoples plots.
    Garlics look nice. They have no trouble overvintering here north in -30C. Tough guys.
    Still minus 15C at night here and a meter of snow. Have still plenty of time left to sort out what to sow this season.

  10. How sad is that! Had no idea you folks had to deal with vandals. Nothing I hate worse then a thief! Glad to see your plot was not hit! Garlic looks real good. Yes Sir spring is in the air but will the temps hold this time? Have a few cold nights still in the forecast for us this week. Thanks for the tour and hope you had a great weekend.

  11. Hello Adam please to hear that your plot as not be touched but sorry for the other plot holders. Garlics are looking good. Happy gardening

  12. Oh balls that's a pain in the arse. I saw another vid of other people having some allotment vandal problems must be the season for it. Can you train the rabbits to defend the plot with their big nasty pointy teeth?

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