March 27, 2025

VIDEO: How to Make a Self-Watering Plant Pot

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Plants in containers that are exposed to hot sunny weather without regular access to water can quickly dry out and become unhealthy.

Self watering pots are an affordable solution that provide a slow release of water to your plants as they need it.

In this short video we provide easy-to-follow instructions showing how to make your own self-watering containers to keep your plants watered even during the hottest period of the year.

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Make a Self-Watering Plant Pot

  1. I love this, but in my area it'd be better to cover the overflow hole with cloth and tape, and the pipe with cloth and a rubber band to keep mosquitoes out of the standing water.

  2. Thank u.

    Looks awesome.

    Does the soil actually wick up the water tho?

    Can u post a link of a video showinq proqress or showin the system workinq successfully please?

    Please reply soon.

  3. I really like this video I mean to find ideas of how to make a gravity-fed system for a whole Greenhouse and this has made so many ideas for me to sketch out.

  4. I wish I had seen this months ago! As a beginner gardener who went a little too gung-ho, I didn't realize how time consuming watering was going to be

  5. Good idea.
    Decent and easy make,
    I would like to suggest you, to cover the excess water drain hole with a piece of clothe or net. Just that flies and mosquitoes don't enter.

  6. Much cheaper than a pre-made SIP. I love the idea with the lid. I hadn’t seen that before, but it’s especially great for hot areas like the Southeastern US, although we’d definitely want white buckets instead of black.

    I think I’ve been gardening almost four years now, and your channel has always been one of my favorites. And I think the only one I’ve watched the whole time. I love your website, too. Thank you for being such a reliable source of information.

  7. I would like to make this watering system. I am concerned that the pvc pipe plastic is going to leach chemicals into the water and the soil. Please advise if there are any alternatives thankyou

  8. I've brought some capillary matting,I find this helpful for smaller plant pots,up to about 13cm pots … I have seed trays and cut the matting to fit,then put the plan pots into the tray on top of it,presoaking the matting for first use. Then water into the tray and they soak up from the bottom. Helps as i say with every5hing from seedlings to 13cm pots with stuff growing (haven't got bigger except 10L pots and not used them yet. )
    I also have saucers under my grow bags so I can water into them and it gets soaked up from the bottom,works up to 10gallon pots but haven't found ones for the larger grow bags.

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