March 24, 2025

VIDEO: How We Trellis Cucumbers to Reduce Disease & Maximize Production

In this episode we discuss our preferred method of trellising
cucumbers. Using nylon netting and C-clips we are able to increase air
flow to prevent things like powdery mildew, rust spot, and white and
grey mold. It also helps to increase the production in a given area by
allowing us to grow more plants in a smaller space. Give it a try!
Nylon netting:
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How We Trellis Cucumbers to Reduce Disease & Maximize Production

  1. Great info…trellising is an awesome way to get more out of your soil especially if your garden is small. Have you done a video on how you clean your trellis at the end of the season? I tried pole beans on a nylon trellis and it was awful to clean up— I eventually gave up and just tossed it in the garbage. Hubby bought a used chain-link fence dog run which has worked brilliantly even with our hot, dry Eastern Washington summers. (And it keeps the feral kitties out so I don't have to be 'scooping' the garden. (We love our ferals and make sure they have a safe place away from growing food for their use.) Love the idea of the clips! As soon as I run out of my spool of jute twine I'll start a c-clip collection.

  2. I found a solution for sagging netting….take fishing line and tie it on 1 of the t-posts, weave it through the top holes of the netting, pull tight and tie off to the other post. It stabalizes the netting and it won't sag as bad.

  3. I've grown cucumbers on tomato cages for 2 years now. They seem to work okay but take up alot of space. Going to try this trellis this year and see if it is better. Will be using a pvc frame instead of the metal psots

  4. Hey migardener I'm growing cucumbers for the first time ever right now. I wanted to get those c clips for my cucumbers but your site is sold out and i cant seem to find any quite like em. Any suggestions?

  5. For the second year in a row, I've grown English Cucumbers and I find the strangest thing with regard to trellising. If I get a stalk/tendril climbing early, it grows quite well. But, if I miss one and then try to raise-up a stalk/tendril that has established itself as growing on the ground, it will wilt and die if I hoist it. No such problem with my cantaloupe, though.

    I assume (read: rationalized) that it has to do with the change of pressure. That when it grows low, the tendril doesn't need as much pressure to distribute the water. But once raised, the tendril's pressure drops and the water can't be delivered. But I have no clue if this is true.

    I raised a tendril last weekend and it is mid-wilt. I put it back on the ground today to see if it can recover.

  6. Does the combination of trellis netting and C clips, make fall clean up easier? My previous attempts at trellising various vining plants was a mess, having to cut out the vegetation, since the nylon doesn't compost. Using T posts, heavy wire across the top, and tying on natural binder twine to make the net, then compost all of it in the fall was much simpler!

  7. Once a node produces fruit and it is harvested, will it produce again in that same node? If not, is it safe to remove that sun leaf to allow more air flow & sunshine for the rest of the plant?

  8. Hi Luke. I bought your c-clips and love them. Thank you! As a novice gardener I built a six foot trellis and my cucumbers are already at the top. What do I do now that there is no more trellis to climb?

  9. Hey first year gardener here…How long do sumter cucumbers produce for before dying? My 2 cucumber plants have been producing for the last month and giving a cucumber every other day. But recently they look to be drying up and producing less. Is this normal? Are they going to die soon or will they last until the first frost in 2 more months?

  10. I've trellised my cucumbers but they kept growing! I couldn't have them go straight up so i had to weave them across the trellis to accommodate the length. Any ideas? I thought of running them over thr top of the garden bed.

  11. What I done is made kinda like a house with the netting I bought two 30 ft netting’s and tied them to t post and made a roof. Let’s see how they hold up they do sag but they are strong.

  12. Thank you for adding the link to the netting. I had just finished watching a previous video of yours and then jumped over to Amazon to look for it. Would much rather buy it from my local MIGardener store! Thanks Luke!! I will be adding cucumbers to the garden for the first time next year still trying to figure out what I'm doing. They'll be going in a 3×6 raised bed.

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