A big THANK YOU for helping my channel reach 10,000 subscribers! Also, I give a “shout out” to several YouTuber self-sufficient gardeners who I think you will enjoy watching!
Ian Knockton: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFe6j4jOKK9SL0zUT9uJHLg
Aussie Vegan Gardening Yogi: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRIivQ5MubJXsvkjYtvs2hw
Allotment Grow How: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWRuNfWsKUiiCG1zmqPve7Q
Keyplayr61: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClXLcuk2DCqhgQJAZISjnnA
Raf’s Kitchen Garden: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT2eXxjisOm4ZMiJZfuQX5w
McDowall Manor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvIO35nR6le1xG0Yi_pVa3Q
Blog: www.selfsufficientme.com
Forum: www.selfsufficientculture.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SelfSufficientMe-260782203958500/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SufficientMe
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
And well down!, Those that haven’t should have subbed well before and you would be a 100,000.
HI Mark. Every channel goes through the same things, How i ever got my first subscribers beats me. I sit back thinking what happened sometimes. But looking back on them although may make you cringe as it does me, it does allow you to see just how much your channel has grown quality wise. All the channels you have shouted out are fantastic channels and have been subbed to most for years. Great video Mark, CONGRATULATIONS mate well deserved! Tony
I have been watching your videos but usually not very active commenting. I watch a lot of videos and they are a great learning source. I LOLd at the older video you posted in the beginning, it was a nice comparison. Nice channel recommendations too and on YouTube there are only some gardening channels I watch, amongst yours and Rafs, another one I really like is California Gardening. Congratulations on the progress.
Congratulations Mark. Best wishes Bob.
Hi Mark, Congratulation on well deserved 10k subs ! In every video that you've made I can just see how much you enjoying working on your homestead, looking after animals and fruit trees. I think passion like this is what counts and will beat even the best professionally prepared video out there
so keep up doing great work and thank you very much for shout out ! 
congratulations mark
keep up the great work
Well done Mark !!! Well deserved for a excellent channel keep up the great work mate !! Seeya Rob
Well done Mark , great achievement . Keep it up .
Congratulations on the milestone Mark.
buy a Gopro with a chest and head mount so you can film without having to use your hands.
Congratulations have a blessed day
Mate, you deserve every one of the 10,000 subs. Great channel and always interesting. Big thanks for the shout out brother!
A very BIG congratulations on your 10K milestone Mark!!! Don't worry about your first videos being a little rough, shoot, I've been doing this for about 5 years, and mine are still rough LOL!! You do a very good job on your videos with great presentation, and speaking, so to get your achievement, you must be doing something right! I really do appreciate the shout out, my friend! It really means a lot to me, and shows just what a kind person you are! Keep up the great work! I hope you reach 20K real soon!
congratulations on 10,000 subscribers you well deserve it !!! great shout outs all ready subscribe to 4 of them I'll be checking out the last one on the list !!
Don"t make them too perfect because right now they are "real" and you deserve every subscriber you have and then some.
Congratulations! You deserve it. You make wonderfully informative and entertaining videos. Thank you.
I have about 9 LOL so congrats
well done mate from south australia
well done Mark. This is the first time I have ever commented on any YouTube channel, have been watching for a couple of years and always looked forward to new clips. well done you will hit 100000 in no time. All the best mate.
Congrats on your 10K subs Mark….yay!
I enjoy watching your videos , I can't wait to see more… 
coz of u I got now 4 quails in my balcony…… n I live in apartment in Sydney ……… my 18 month daughter loves it……. thank u…
Self Sufficient Me have you done a solar video yet? are you going to cut all or most of the eucalyptus trees? eucalyptus trees are not natural in your country are they? love to see some or more solar and more trees planted walnut cherry apple pear etc.. no eucalyptus tree!! haahah just asking
10K last year, 59K this year, way to go Mark!!!
Hi Mark. The ausie vegan link isn't working, have I missed out?
Late comment. The universe of self sufficient me is 1.1+ million strong. Congrats!