March 18, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Basil – Complete Growing Guide

The next episode in our completely organic, complete growing guide
series! I can’t believe we have not yet done one on basil, but I guess
we haven’t so here we go! In this epiosde we are going to discuss how
to grow basil when it comes to pruning, spacing, fertilizing, watering,
temperature, and variety selection. Give basil a try!
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Basil – Complete Growing Guide

  1. I love basil. It’s so good. I think I bought every kind of basil seed that you sell Luke and so far they’re looking good! Fixing to put them in the ground so I had to research the sun requirements. Thank you!

  2. I recently planted sweet basil and is receiving 5-6 hours of direct sunlight but I'm noticing the leaves are drying out even though the soil is still moist. Should I reduce the sunlight?

  3. My only problem is knowing when to do the first pruning on a new plant for bushier plants. This year we’re growing sweet basil. Next year I want to grow spicy basil

  4. Hi, I just planted a sweet basil. It was perfect when I watch your video. We have enourmous sunlight 6-8 hrs,from our place. I am excited to see my basil grow. Thanks for your insights.

  5. Hi, is your raise beds 4-6 inches high. Do I need to put wood chips in the ground.,My ground crops are not growing well because of the fruit trees, rambutan, pomelo and lanzones within the 300sq area. Thanks for your videos. More power.

  6. In my terrasse garden, all in containers, Basil is typically the biggest plant there. The scent and taste of Basil are just the best. Thank you for your guide and helpful information!

  7. I "plate seeded" my basil, with a wet paper towel and plastic covered 5/2. Once it got a tiny bit bigger I carefully ripped the paper towel apart with tweezers and put each seedling, with paper towel still attached to tiny root into baby pots. Then on the window sill. It's end of June and they are now still only about 2 1/2 to 3 inches tall. I have never babied any plant so much in my life. It's taking forever!

  8. Not much of useful info. This is not even close to complete guide. When to start growing, how to seed, how to harvest, how to get seeds to plant next year, how to grow during winter at home (I am going to), signs of problems dry/over watering/nutrition deficiencies, and so on and so forth.

  9. Danke!!!! I live in Michigan and recently purchased some plants to make my home look a little better, and one of them happened to be this useful plant!

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