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Okey Dokey Smokey by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
My online course: www.profitableurbanfarming.com
My book:
Theme music composed by Curtis Stone and performed by Dylan Ranney.
Quick Cut Greens Harvester: http://bit.ly/1W3nLGb
Knife and Tool Sharpener: http://bit.ly/29DHlos
Jang Seeder: http://goo.gl/XGvJtl
Row Bags: http://goo.gl/eI1CLp
Insect Netting: http://goo.gl/rjyimK
Canon Rebel T6i: http://amzn.to/29JApHr
Canon wide angle lens 10-18mm: http://amzn.to/2a2t1pl
Shure Lens Hopper shotgun mic: http://amzn.to/29zpdMz
Joby Gorilla Pod (flexible tripod): http://amzn.to/29JBBu7
Go Pro action camera: http://amzn.to/29JBU8j
Phantom 4 Drone: http://amzn.to/29zqenG
iPad 4 for drone controller: http://amzn.to/29vwKdh
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on top of the cooler
he stares at you until 6:48 ish ")
6:39 – There he is, sitting on top of your cooler. Hope the gnomes don't get as out of control as your weeds. Love the videos BTW.
Is that cored salanova?
gnome on top of cooler
World wide app!!
good for you all.
thanks for the realistic depiction in your vids they're really appreciated…
* haha completely forgot about the gnome…*
if it was me who got it I will be so excited!! Also impressed that my eyes found if after coming of a 12 hour nightshift of nursing!! love your videos watch them every day!!
I've had a lot of slug problems too, it's been uncharacteristically wet for July in my region as well… I really like your idea of defensive rotations instead of trying to take on the slugs. I've had a lot of success from hand picking but that isn't practical for the type of scale you grow on. Also that seeder sounds like it is in desperate need of some white grease.
I live in a slug zone, have thousands of slugs and snails one species being the size of a finger that munches away entire beets. It's a constant loss as they chew into tomatoes and strawberries and rot then sets in. Snails crawl up berry bushes and fruit trees and get at the fruit. I've had the same wet July so an even greater challenge and constant grim task of killing these buggers. Once established the only veg. they leave alone is allium family and kale.
Great to see the daily vlogs and how you deal with growing situations, keep up so well and manage your time/work most effectively.
I hate slugs!
Curtis, you're still growing spinach! Which variety are you using? One that is more heat tolerant or just taking advantage of a cooler, wetter summer? Thanks, brother.
ah the slugs! I set a beer trap (well bud light, so questionable "beer" haha) anyway… I definitely caught a lot. Not sure that's an efficient way on your scale, but it was organic
How did you take care of the slug problem
I've been trying to get into selling the greens but restaurants around here don't want to pay more than $20 for a 3 pound bag which is less than $7 a pound. Not too bad but not $10 a pound and it takes me time to hand harvest and wash. I started noticing some the my gourmet lettuce blend getting wilty, I might have crowded them too much but I had to pick though while washing. That's when I said not worth selling. By the way saw the gnome on your grey cooler. Anyway thanks for doing your thing, much respect.
6:39 on top of freezer
One way my Grandmother managed her slug problem was putting ducks out into the garden. Ducks love slugs and snails.
One drawback is the ducks like to munch on greens a little too, but not as much as chickens. She would put the ducks in for an hour or so
and then have us kids chase them back out and shut the gate. The garden on the farm was about a half an acre surrounded by chicken wire 6' tall.
I hate slugs, I set cat food tins about 5 feet apart and fill half way with beer. Next morning I'll have hundreds. They love beer for some reason.
6.38 gnome.
I really like slugs, but I don't want 'em in my space (too much – it's nice when the birds eat them instead of destroying my shit). For the most part, people have been excited and supportive of my little operation, but the neighbours on one side sort of gave me one of the "oh, how novel" things and then proceeded to be buttheads and set me back weeeeeeks. The plus side.. I have somewhere to throw the slugs.
I know you buy compost, but how do you handle waste there? I've seen some bins, but you never mention what you do with it or the roots from the sprouts in the greenhouse.
Get a helmet on dude
My general impression is most urban farmers have no idea what real weed pressure is. We cannot direct seed anything but potatoes and sweetcorn. And all transplanting has to be done into plastic mulch, tarps or landscape fabric. Even then the hole the plant goes into will be filled with weeds in 2 weeks or less.
I agree – watering is totally meditative!
Please do a vlog on the quick disconnect irrigation fittings at the ends of your soaker hoses, those look vital.
Hi Curtis, you can also use nematodes against slugs and snails. They'll live in the soil harmless for the rest of the fauna.
I'll drop you a quick email about the app beta testing. Michel.
that drone looks like the perfect weapon to prospect potential urban farmland.
gnome at 6:39 on the shelf
Is that a gnome at 1:23 between the trash cans?
Looking forward to hearing more about the app
Is salanova cut more than 1 time?