Filmed over several days Mark AKA Self Sufficient Me dude whipper snips, brushcutter cuts, weed wackers, his way around the property until the new tool breaks. Finish with an orchard tour on some of our trees and a general chat about the benefits of self-sufficiency growing your own produce and healthy aspects of living such a lifestyle. Enjoy
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
Heavy mulch around your trees….your time would be better spent some other project…..too much time trimming….just sayin…..
good vid though
I agree to all your points on the hard work is worth it. Not only because of the food you are growing, but how it improves you health and well-being. Sure I am exhausted at the end of the day from clearing land and chasing goats and building fences. But I sleep so well most nights, better than I ever have in my life. And I am quickly getting into the best physical shape I have ever been. I think we need hard work in our lives.
Garden looks great Mark.
do you have to spray your fruit trees? Here in Michigan we have to spray ours.
we have 18 fruit trees.
Apple .pair. peach plum cherry.
Have a Jesus filled day
Greg in Michigan
Another great vlog mate. hard work always pays off when you look back on what you have done and are happy with the results.
Your ducks are hilarious. I laughed when you let them out after footy and they raced off LOL
Shared on FB. Do you have an FB account? That's another way to promote your videos and keep in touch with your subscribers
Don't you get 30 days to try it and see if you like it? I would take that thing back because you shouldn't have to mess around like that with a new piece of equipment but may rules for purchase are different in Australia.
The videos are great! Even if the videos are shorter keep at he hard work. Get it done before she gets home. All that grass and edging. Fencing and broiler chickens might be a choice, let them do the hard work and sell the overstock.
Hi, Mark. You have a lot of edging to do. But your place looks wonderful. You have lots of fruits to choose from. So happy for you. That is what got my grand parents thew the depression. They traded fruit for other things.
Beautiful property Mark. The ducks don't have s problem now, finding the dam. Your Thai chillies look the same as the ones I grow called Birds Eye chillies here and Mouse Shit Chillies in Thailand, seriously.
I like your shorter Vlogs, too. I admire your hard work with your veges & animals, on top of family time! I've learned a lot from you and had a chuckle along the way. Much prefer the genuine approach than the polished, fake presentation of others. Thanks for all you do and good luck, mate!
And I thought I had a lot of weed eating to do…LOL
Mark how about keeping some Turkeys….. Ssm
great job !! great garden vlog bud !! thanks for the tour and the demonstration on how you string / whippersnapper your homestead !! thanks for sharing !! all the best and happy gardening !!
Gotta love the prices in Brisbane for stuff that grows like a weed. Its the same with blue berries they are about $7 for 125 grams while the 2 little bushes we have go crazy i wouldn't know how much we get off them in a day because the kids just pick and eat them all straight from the bush but would easy be more then one of the small punnets
Hi Mark
I am watching all of your videos back to back (love em btw) we have remarkably similar back grounds. I can help thinking your fighting mother nature with so much hard work though when she gives us so many "lazy bastards tools!" But this also where I can see your military background the almost obsessive compulsiveness to have your acreage looking like the grounds around the single men's barracks. While your waiting for the boss to get home to do an barrack inspection.
If you'd picked up more permaculture principles you could take that serious work load off your own back and save money.
Have a look at what Justin Rhodes(You tube channel: Permaculture chickens) does with his chickens/free workers. Sell your ride on mower and look at getting some ruminants fenced in your property. Electric fences are cheap and effective.
Look some swales to slow the water movements and prevent your mulch getting washed away.
Have look at a banana circle set up in your fence off chicken coop.
And wheres your young fellas mate? You want pocket money go pick the limes up!.
Lastly I'd shorten your Vlog down under 10 mins too or and more adds in.
Mother nature only appears messy at first glance bruv and she has a funny way of bending people to her way of thinking though….eventually. Anyway thats my 2 cent mate.
Keep up the vlogs we love them.
December in Manitoba, Canada….from here I say thanks for sharing! I just planted my first fruit trees last year and can hardly wait! Beautiful lime tree
You have a real talent for videoing, Mark. How many people can make edging interesting? Don't fret about the editing. Editing is overrated.
I could watch your videos for hours. I live in an apt complex in Sacramento and Im growing one tomato and one russian pepper plant. I wish I had your land!!! <3
Thanks for great videos of your big garden lots work but rewarding well done
Your presentation is great, and I am sharing just don't know how many the sharing reaches
Chili oil….yummy
It's not a good whipper snipper head you need this plastic variety that push cord out when you bounce it on the ground.
Your videos have evolved so much. Such a great effort. The courage and the hardworking you put into it really counts.
21:56 what a good laddie your Scooter is
You are very inspirational.
your videos are really good dont stress yourself mate theres a lot worse on utube yours are entertaining real problems i personally love em im sure we all do carry on the great work matey youre doing really well seem a top bloke to me
lol, we had a Corona
I love allof ur styles