March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Farmers markets and marketing

Farmers markets seem to be on the rise yet some are getting a bit discouraged in their efforts as vendors. This is a 2 part series. In this part I address the difficulty of sales and a few suggestions as to how to improve.
An American Homestead
Podcast: Are farmers markets worth the effort?

Guerrilla Marketing
I am not affiliated in any way with the amazon store that is linked here. It is only for the convenience of those who wish to look the book over.

2 thoughts on “VIDEO: Farmers markets and marketing

  1. Yeah, totally agree with ya Jay. There was this guy that always came to our local open air market, seeing how thursdays and sundays are tianguis(like supermarket sales days), he'd bring some great fresh grown asparragus, eggplants, leaf lettuce, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, even fresh cranberries, besides many other veggies, corn smut, but where local farmers would sell ya an ear of corn smut for 20 pesos he'd charge ya 30 or 35 pesos per the same ear of corn smut,….what do you think happened to the guy? He no longer comes, since he couldn't sell expensive, didn't want to hurt his profit margin, I guess he prefers the produce to rot. Farmers do have a tough life, and like ya say they don't get rich, maybe maintain themselves with their heads above water, but you have to make an example of yourself and then other people will imitate you. Uprated you had a very interesting chat with MiWilderness and Homeplace Journal and I couldn't agree more with the three of ya, but most in particular with HJ and you. Take care bro.:)

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