March 29, 2025

VIDEO: MASSIVE Potato Harvest!

We had an amazing harvest this year for our potatoes! Come with us and
get your hands dirty! The potatoes we grew this year were Kennebec, Pontiac Red, Pinto, German fingerling, and Purple Majesty.
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: MASSIVE Potato Harvest!

  1. Hello! So excited to find your channel. I am north of you in Traverse City area, and I am starting my first garden. I have created 3 raised beds that look like the ones in this video (same size and height). My question is…can you plant other things with your potatoes in a raised bed? Perhaps just one row of potatoes? I have a lot to put in these beds, and I don't want them to take over. Please let me know? Thank you?

  2. Been growing potatoes now for a few years, and I try a variety of different types. They are all intermixed, so it is hard to tell which are which. Next year I will try fewer varieties and will keep track of exactly where I plant them. I harvested one plant that had started to turn brown, and got a pretty decent haul of Pontiac Reds. Will definitley plant again. I also know I planted Russet, Kennebec. and Yukon Gold. I live in western NY, and assume you are from Michigan, (MI gardener) probably very similar climate, so I subscribed. Cicero said, "A man with a garden and a library has everything he needs to survive." I have learned that at a later stage in life. Thanks for your videos. They are useful.

  3. I have yet to “invest” in seed potatoes. I but them around December and let them eye. But nest year Im going to “buy” seed potatoes. thsnk you for your videos, I look forward to them.

  4. In Australia we can just harvest for each meal. Means we take new potatoes…just nibble from he side. That’s hard for you. But if really mature will keep. Thank great seigniorage.

  5. So closely planted, so good. Pinto look delicious. Your plants are still very green. For keeping ours dried of very well. Our family has always grown sebago which we love. Other is dutch cream . Both delicious potatoes. Grown on southern highlands of NSW Australia, most recently just north of Canberra.

  6. Thanks for teaching Sir
    You harvest to early, But you know your weather is probably the better, Just in my Columbus Ohio area I wait till forlage is browner

  7. Hello there! I've been watching your videos for years. Never new you were so close! I was in Clyde for 5 yrs. We just picked up a bunch of seeds and trifecta plus at your store in PH last fall. I'm curious, I've seen lots of potato videos but none about yellows or Yukons. I just picked up 2 bags of seed potatoes (yellow) because we eat mostly yellow. Will they grow ok here? Thank you!

  8. I haven't grown any potatoes yet but maybe next year; but, when we were kids, our dad put us in charge of piling more dirt at the base of each potato plant. He said the potato plant would continue to sprout more potatoes after it obtained new roots that grew out from the fresh pile of dirt piled at the stem/base of the plant. The more often you continue piling dirt up the base or stem of the plant – the more it produced more potatoes from the new roots it grew. I remember we'd get loads of potatoes from just one plant. I was too young and didn't fully understand and mentioned it to my sister and she re-explained me the reason for adding more dirt. Unfortunately, she died in January and I never got around to asking her how often new dirt was piled at the base of the plant & if this is/was done to every potato, or just certain types? I'm guessing we bought the russet, but our dad use to cut the store bought potatoes in half before we planted them. Of course, I'm old as dirt & back in the 60's most all the potatoes were organic. I'll have to look around the internet because, so far haven't seen anyone mentioning the dirt mounds on potatoes to increase the ROI. If I were to guess randomly, would depend on quickly the plant is flourishing & growing.

  9. I planted 6 big planters of Kennebecs late March. It’s June 1st. My plants are 5’ tall. No flowers yet and the foliage is bright green. I’ve read that they’re not ready until the foliage turns yellow and dies back. Is that right? Im asking because your foliage hasn’t died back and your harvesting.

  10. More excitement please. Can't you hype it more? Let's see some energy. You just can't overdo energy. Put your name on your T-shirt. Talk more, show us less. 2 1/2 minutes intro isn't long enough. You got this.

  11. This was my first year growing potatoes. Very fun! I grew the purple variety. Some came out so bizarrely misshapen. (I sent you pics on IG). Any idea what causes this? They were grown in purchased composted raised bed soil.

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