June 10, 2024

VIDEO: FREE Best Garden Soil Improvement Mix – Raised Bed Gardening 101 – Vegetable tomatoes – Part 5

Part 5 of 6 RBG. Best Garden Soil Impovement Mix for Raised Bed Gardening 101. Plus vegetable Tomatoes Harvest. Part 5 – Test Results

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: FREE Best Garden Soil Improvement Mix – Raised Bed Gardening 101 – Vegetable tomatoes – Part 5

  1. Very, very interesting, especially seeing the root structure. I’m throwing away all my pots and replacing them with grow bags. (I have a patio in Philadelphia!) I’m going to try to line the bags with wood chips, following your example and may even plant strawberries at the edge of the bags, similar to your example. Thank you for a fantastic thesis-worthy project!

  2. I cannot stop watching your videos for days, great job! In this video I don't see any nettings and the sunflowers are attracting the birds, how do you prevent the birds from eating the tomatoes?

  3. Great video series. Have not been able to get free supply of wood chips yet. I'm using smaller beds made from 2*6 lumber. I think I'll put chips on the sides to conserve water had start building soil. I live in zone 8a with long hot summers. Do you normally leave the strawberry plants over winter and grow again following year?

  4. When someone asks about these concepts, I give them the link to this specific video first. The whole series and whole channel is worthwhile for sure, but if someone's only going to watch one vid, this one covers all the basics one needs to get started. 🙂

  5. I would love to try this, but I live in a desert. No free leaves or wood chips. Nothing free but the sandy clay desert soil. I do like that you used the livestock fencing. Great to use as a trellis.

  6. This whole experiment teaches us how we have been doing things so wrong in the past by worrying about enough space for our plants. Also why and how can 8 curmudgeons put a thumbs down, I despair.
    I grow my runner/string beans on a strip that I keep covered with wood chips until needed, it grows quite a few docks, which I cut back and feed to the rabbit and poultry, Once the beans are up and on their way up the supports I let the weeds grow too with no detriment to the bean crop, they are quite happy and healthy in a busy bed
    Keep up the videos your words and explanations are very easy to follow, and you make it look easy to do but I know different, what you do takes skill, knowledge and hard work, thank you Brian, N Herefordshire, UK

  7. What can you use in place of leaf compost? Straw, organic matter from horses from last year? I’m in Colorado and have nothing but clay soil to work with so I’m looking for help.
    Thank you
    Leslie Grover

  8. Now 2020, and I discovered your videos, I was about to buy metal raised gardens, but after seeing your videos, I will use the materials you use, I have plenty of them. Which kind of wood chip can I use?? Thanks for the excellent information, greetings from down under.

  9. This entire series is extremely clear, concise and we'll thought out. It takes alot of those buzzwords people bandy around and shows exactly how to use them from inception to fruition. The up loader has done quite the service to gardeners everywhere. I greatly appreciated and enjoyed this

  10. I’m wondering I’m planting a cover crop this winter and I’m using hairy vetch. Do legumes like hairy vetch use Mycorrhizae fungi? Or should I use something like winter rye? Thanks for your videos!!

  11. question; we haven't had rain in like months. My woodchips are really dry underneath. Just started cover cropping and adding leaf mulch but only in small areas. Can I add leaf mulch on top of my wood chips and water this in or should I move the wood chips to the side? My problem is that my chips are about 3 ft deep and have terrible sandy soil. I do have some trees down the middle but they are still young. My worms were all dying because of lack of water and am watering everything now which I hate to see my water bill. Is there a better solution? thanks!

  12. Thank you for the informative and enjoyable videos. It is now about 5 years later, and I was wondering about these beds. Did you leave them, or tear them down? Make any more of them? Discover any additional pro's or con's? I'd like to try them out at my house, if I can find a readily available wood chip source. Thanks again from a new to your channel lady.

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