June 11, 2024

VIDEO: How to Propagate Grape Vines from Hardwood Cuttings Successfully

One of my favourite things to do is to propagate new plants from cuttings, and in this tutorial I show you how to create more plants from your grape vine. I hope you enjoy!
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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Propagate Grape Vines from Hardwood Cuttings Successfully

  1. You're a good teacher. I took some cuttings in February. I didn't consider rubbing off the excess buds. Even so, I have had a 50% success ratio. I wanted to view this video to get and idea as to how long I should leave it before planting. I am duly informed. Thanks Huw.

  2. I successfully propagated a couple last year and they looked nice all summer, but they didn't over winter. I had a store bought vine that was about the same size and it overwintered fine. I'll try again. Got the cuttings from neighbors grape arbor.

  3. Thanks, I'll plant a few of them.

    I have a Question: Do multiple grapevines planted near each other share resources or compete for themselves? Can they co-exist?

  4. Hi Huw, your video is good timing for me. Could you reply & tell me what month of the year you actually plant your vine cuttings please? I reside in Essex, UK, for climate. Also do you dip in rooting powder before planting? Thank you, JohnnyK.

  5. Many thanks, I have been researching "how to plant grapevines" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about – Qeyliana Henvery Domination – (do a google search )?

    It is an awesome one of a kind guide for discovering how to become a pro grape grower minus the headache. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my mate got amazing success with it.

  6. aloha cuz I planted grape vines which lot of them never produce any canes from the node it about one year old, i just prune the vine but not too many canes came out from my 3 main arms to make canes from the node, will the node regrow any new shoots from the inner nodes how many time can a node rebound from the first try in making canes, I just took away some baby grape was coming out to early do you think it could be climate change??????, why you think my node are not producing like it suppose too, is there more cane to be coming out from those same node I recall some ome stated 3 times a node will produce if one fail to work, help me out cuz sure would appreciate it

  7. Great video! I have a question – I have a giant concord grape vine – it has a "V" close to the ground and branches off on a trellis that is 8'x20' like a green roof. Its about 8 years old. Last season I had mostly green leaves and not much grapes. My cousin told me to cut one of the branches off of the 'V' – so before I do that, I thought I would ask your opinion. I can send a pic if you like.

  8. Is this specifically for Vitis Labrusca, or can it also be used for Vitis Vinifera? My Vitis Vinifera vines have their nodes very close to each other.

  9. Hello! i have a question for you. I bought 300 hardwood cuttings in late February. I then planted them in plastic bags without the holes, i forgot about the holes. Also i planted them upside-down, their was an angle cut on the cuttings but i thought that side go in the ground. Now its mid April and i don't see any growth on the cuttings… only one or two are growing. Will the cuttings grow? or should i be a little more patient, wait and see till june? Also will there be a problem to the grape plant if the cuttings are upside-down…

  10. Hi Huw from USA. I will try this! I have a really old grape vine, poss. 30 years old. It's not doing good bc trees have grown around it and is'nt getting much sun or nutrients. It has some nice branches so I will try this & plant in a sunnier area. Thank you for this great idea!

  11. tell us when to do you actualy put them in the ground you sa id take the cutting nov to feb date .on film is sept .so what of year do put in soil to root. thanks this jan 26 -21 i have about 100 cutting of muscdine vines in bundles i cut yesterday

  12. i want to ask some question please
    Q1= can i buried directly into land as sugar can horizontally????
    Q2= can it is possible to grow successfully grape cutting which is mistakenly get buried inverse position??
    Q3= can cutting directly grow only water because some videos on youtube that tell people grow grape stem directly into water??

  13. Folks, the grape he is propagating is wild. You can tell by looking at the bunch: some are ripe, some are green and some very small. You want a known variety where the whole bunch of grapes becomes ripe at the same time. Otherwise you are wasting time and grapes

  14. Hi Huw, I'm in S wales and are soon to get some grape vine cutting from a mate just up the road. Can I just prepare the ground and stick them in where I want them to remain for good? Do you have to get them going and transplant them later on? How long would it take before you start to get a harvest? All the best Gary.

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