March 24, 2025

VIDEO: Never Buy Carrot Seed Again – How to Save Carrot Seed

In this episode in our cntinued seed saving series we show you how to
save carrot seed! It is an easy one to save, but it takes lots of
patience and planning. Once you have the method down, you can grow
carrots and prep some for seed for the following year. It is so easy!
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Never Buy Carrot Seed Again – How to Save Carrot Seed

  1. I didn't know they were biannual. I typically plant twice as much, so I can harvest a fresh batch in the spring (Northern Ontario here). One time I decided to let a few continue to grow and they began to rott? So idk what happened, but it wasn't going to flower.

  2. @MIgardener For some reason my first year carrots flowered, but carrot seed moths planted their caterpillars! When I finally figured out what was wrong I'd lost many umbras! I picked out all the brats that I could find. Is there anything else I can do?

  3. I planted carrots this year in spring and they are going to seed and it looks like I will get seeds sometime in the next month. And this is the first year that I have successfully plant and harvest carrots.

  4. Will a carrot produce a flower every year, but seeds every 2? I left a carrot in the ground this summer because it grew flowers and I was hoping to get seeds. Or won't it have seeds this year?

  5. Thanks you for your knowledge on saving carrots seeds. I live in N.C. and I plant carrots in the fall. You can't find seeds.Walmarts had seeds in the summer but in August all seeds are sent back to the co. So its impossible to find carrot seeds for the fall. The same with onion seeds.

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