June 10, 2024

12 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting Spring Bulbs – Allotment Grow How

  1. Adam, definitely ball courgette -I grew the exact same thing this year. Won't grow them again, their flesh is way to wet.Great video as always! Hope you don't disappear until spring shortly as i enjoy your episodes.

  2. As normal love it ! I've been finishing my poly tunnel off again today stupid me pick the hottest sept on record since 1909 or something wow. Hey I don't like digging but I must admit when I've done a bed and it looks good (yours looks awesome) I feel that I've achieved something. I isn't like flowers but for next year I'm going to have to plant some as my mom and dad (mom being a florist) bought me my poly tunnel and have helped so much that I need to repay them somehow. Keep the vids going and keep sweating for the cause!

  3. Painful to watch you hoik sunflowers out like that. Those fantastic roots, which are organic matter binding your soil together, should be left in the ground to feed microbes and improve your soil structure. Same for peas, beans, etc. Pulling them out is bad for the soil. Just cut the stems above the soil surface and leave the good stuff behind.

  4. That is courgette 'Ronde de Nice'. I have them too. Very tasty! The point of courgettes is eat them when they are still juicy and young (otherwise they get seedy and you have to scoop the middle out, the rest is then just as good) and then the ones at the top will produce new ones fast. Thats a good size for eating. I usually eat them even smaller. Nothing wrong with flowers! Have a wonderful weekend. 😀

  5. Hi Adam, that bench gets a thumbs up from me, neat, tidy, square and a good height, yup a thumbs up. A thumbs up for the grapes as well and your squash get a thumbs up as well. Only problem is having problems giving multiple thumbs up when I do it it cancels out the previous one. Doh! Any way for me its a triple thumbs up video. Cheers Mike B

  6. i understand the flowers is disconcerting, i have channeled this myself by focusing on marigolds. these sunny little fellows help discourage some insects ,so i can still look manly . by the way, watching your video while enjoying a couple beers.

  7. Great update, Adam. Let me know when the 2016 Chateau Grow How vintage becomes available by the case?

    I just made my first batch of this season's butternut squash soup and it is awesome. FYI this is my go-to killer recipe:


    Looking forward to seeing your 'big beetroot.' I've got one that's already as big as a very big thing and I'm going to let it run until you pull yours. If you get my drift.

  8. This time of year I wouldn't be looking for any more squash/pumpkin growth.  You may have the right idea with picking off the new fruits/flowers.  Great vid bud.  Nice to see more colors other than "brown".  Keep up the good work.

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