March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips – Leaves Composting G. Series # 10

This is Part 10 of 12 Part Series that will help you understand the PRO’S & CON’S of Back to Eden organic deep mulch gardening secrets 101 method with wood chips to composting just Fall leaves. Great start for beginners Tour our secrets for organic soil & growing gardening vegetables 101 documentary with pest control. Looking into soil food web & soil health in a no till organic garden. diy garden. Organic gardening and farming.

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips – Leaves Composting G. Series # 10

  1. Hello,

    Assume I'm starting from scratch in my conventional garden, want to make an area with wood chips and perennial grasses. When do you cover the grass area with wood chips? Do you add 4" wood ships after sowing seeds in the dirt, or wait until the grass is tall and then add the wood chips? If waiting until grass tall, seems the clover would never get tall enough to throw chips on top of them.

    Thanks ahead

  2. I have a clover and Kentucky bluegrass mix growing in the lawn around my 12×12 BTE bed. Is that sufficient for legumes or do I need to actually plant more within my garden itself?

  3. I am trying to start pepper seeds in the the ground in the middle of lawn grass and white dutch clovers. Will the the grass and clovers take over and stunt the pepper seedlings or kill them? I just put in lemon, lime, orange, and peach trees, have native grass, white clovers, one tomato plant and want to add peppers directly

  4. I came across your videos about 10 days ago. I've been watching several every day since. Thank you for the effort you put in to sharing this wealth of information.

  5. Thank you Mark. I live in Northern Ireland and watch all your videos with great interest. This is my first ever comment on any You Tube video.
    I saw Paul's film soon after it was made and immediately added wood chips to my garden. It has improved ever since. Now with your help my understanding is growing about other things I need to do.
    Thanks a lot.
    I wish I had paid more attention to my father's advice when he got me to work with him in the garden when I was young. He's not here to ask any more. All the best to your boys and you. John

  6. Where in the list is sweet fern? It's the main cover in have on my lot and I have a strip 20ft by 900ft of it that's grown in with some 2-3 inch trees growing throughout. I was going to mulch all of it until I seen you videos, thanks for these they have help me to understand so much and better plan our garden! We are building our dream home this summer and you just made me realize that I have great soils already I just need to know what trees to much and add them back as wood chips!

  7. Hi Mark…what about bindweed-our wood chips are covered in it! We are not at our farm in the spring, so by the time we get to our farm, it has overwhelmed the garden. I would appreciate your advice…I feel defeated by weeds

  8. Your a good man all you have said in these last videos l have watched is all true l have been down this road for years, thanks for being kind to Paul, l know the Lord will bless you because of your meek and humble adatude ,,

  9. Great video mark, you answered my question in another video to start my garden with 4 inches of leaves and clear a circle and plant snap peas around tomato plant. My question today is when do I start incorporating cover crops and a perennial living root in the ground?

  10. Thank you for this series. It’s an extraordinary amount of info delivered in a concise manner.

    I have just built a Hugelkultur bed over sandy soil. Any thoughts on how I should proceed with BTE vs FL?

  11. i realize now after adding leaves for many years-it helps loosen up my clay soil. but it doesn't grow more soil!! i used winter rye years ago for green manure–will let the roots in the ground now -for aeration down below central minnesota-zone4/3- will try sunflowers/rye raspberry/ for energizing some new garden plots=in 2020 laid cardboard down-plant potatoes-with deepleaf mulch to rid old sod-for new raspberry patch==forgot to throw rye in fall-oops-
    thankful for your ideas/trials/success//and/ failures to move onto next phase of gardening
    tried kale for 2nd year now-very hardy to frosts (4×8 raised bed) pest free, and nice to pass along extras-
    vates is my favorite over red russian/lacinto-dinasauer. looking for more recipes-salad/soups
    tomatoes= big mama for salsa (roma type)hybrid-
    fun to experiment–hybrid don't come back to original like heirlooms
    used black plastic under my tomatoes for long time-will try knock down rye to plant tomatoes into this year laid old denim jeans down by tomatoes to lower the heat–no pests or BLIGHT bothered there==
    nrcs of ndak/n carolina has good crop cover info also!! also living web site/ and maritime gardener nova scotia==different twists to gardening things
    love the 8 raised beds 4x8ft
    thanks again

  12. Just found your channel and you have answered many questions I had about my B2E garden, my chips were really dry and soil health was dying, then I found cover crops and now worms. Will be sure to mention you in my video about soil health update. thanks again..

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