March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Natural Farming, A Functional Design Part 2

Natural farming is about working with nature instead of against it. It’s peak season of the food forest and the natural farming techniques have proven themselves to be valuable, forming a functionally designed system producing high yields without high inputs.



Natural Farming, A Functional Design Part 1:

Tasting Asian Pears:

High Production Food Forest:

11 thoughts on “VIDEO: Natural Farming, A Functional Design Part 2

  1. James…errr uhhh Dan, the FF is looking awesome. Hey, I was truely blessed earlier this year when my wife surprised me by flying me out to Washington (from fla) for my birthday to go visit Paul Gautcshi and be there in person for one of his sunday tours. what an awesome experience. anyway what I wanted to say is that he prunes the centers of his trees so heavily that sunlight gets thru and he is growing amazing annuals directly beneath his trees. It is kind of hard to see it from the L2survive videos…but being there in person gives you a totally new perspective. So i think it would be very possible to stack the yields of fruit trees and annuals in the same space with the trees being fully mature. Just stay on top of your cherry trees or they could get out of hand on you. Paul's cherry tree was just awesome.
    One more request…if you are looking for ideas for more videos, i would love to see one on your chicken setup. what you feed them, how you house them, are you harvesting compost from their run…etc.

  2. Great idea to plant a variety of fruit trees knowing you were only going to select a few of them to grow to maturity. It's hard to predict which fruit trees are going to be really productive for you and your space until you invest several years into them. Wish I had been as wise when I started my yard!

  3. What about bartering with your extra produce?
    Maybe someone could mow your front lawn and be paid in lettuce 🙂
    Or exchange for something another person has too much of
    or donate to a food shelter
    or you could dehydrate it?
    oh wait….the people who will work for food.
    Surely you need some help harvesting your bounty overflow?
    …running out of ideas here…

    Your place continues to look exactly how it should…productive.

  4. Dan. things are looking good! still no update on my greenhouse, its been somewhat delayed. but I got nectarines & pears planted in the garden and leafy greens going. You said that apple tree had been troublesome for years. did you try feeding it or changing up the soil at all or looking into pollination? I know some fruit quality are naturally better or worse than others, but jw if you had tried altering anything in between the previous seasons apples and the most current. anyway hope you're enjoying the cool weather

  5. I'm curious what your plan is when the Food Forest grows in where you going to plant your annuals? I would plan to have a vegetable garden on the southside of the Food Forest so all the taller growth will cast it shade away from the shorter plants.

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