I chat with radio host Rob Blackmore on Sunshine Coast Radio about growing Pea Eggplant or Turkey Berry and also about my trip to Asia mainly SaPa Vietnam and what I learnt over there whilst on vacation.
Pea eggplant sold on Amazon here: https://bit.ly/2eSWSWE
I got my seeds from eBay AU here: http://bit.ly/2etM6Su
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Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
I really enjoyed this video. TKS
Good day, Mark. Sounds like you had a great trip. I am glad you found some new things to grow. So, I look forward to watch you work.LOL.We are going into fall. Soit is your turn to grow.
I do so prefer your new signature tune. Thanks for your replies. Wonderful views in Viet Nam. Were the bovines between the terraces water buffalo? Do you think you might have a career in foody exotic trips. I don't know if you get UK programmes such as the Hairy Bikers and Rick Stein. You would make a good Aussi hairy biker. Perhaps a growing and cookery slant would go down well.
Awesome thank you for sharing have a blessed day
How can we get in touch of u if we would like to be in your home stay?
Wow, looks like a good trip you had. Have myself never been to Vietnam, should be interesting! Cheers!!
Looks like you had a great trip.
I am Montagnard indigenous my favorite is Turkey berry , Montagnard indigenous we called krong kior ( xuong) related to eggplant family also.
We picked up a few pea eggplant seedlings this spring from a local hmong flea market here in Minnesota. Each plant is at least 7 feet high now with woody trunks that are a few inches in diameter. Its so fun to pick them. My wife uses them in Asian stews.
Turkey berry is still used in South India (Tamil Nadu) to prepare some traditional curries usually eaten with cooked rice.
Watching this in 2020 omg you have grown so much as a youtuber
If you could do a video about grafting… That would be great.
Yesterday I congratulated you on having 808,000 subscribers and now 12 hours later you have 810,000!
Holey Mackerel ! ! !
Nice! The pea eggplant is very unusual. Lots of good nutritionist vegetables. Wish I could move there. So beautiful!
It actually originated from India and travelled to Thailand through Indian kings . Who ruled there , it is mostly used in South Indian cooking and named sundaikai