July 2, 2024

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden myths that take our time

  1. Looking back as new gardeners, 1 of our biggest mistakes was reading, watching too many points of view. Became way to complicated and overwhelming. Your approach is fabulous. Wish we found your work earlier but very glad to of learned so much in past few months from you.
    Cheers from Canada

  2. heavens knows garden and cultures are millenaries know how , cultivation wasn't invented 200 years ago, ..starvation was and chemicals nullified much livelihood….goats and sheep, produce organic manure and eat herbs we don't or cows don't and they give milk humanity turned to cheese the world over …..earth is abundant when well shared and tended to…….your works are precious generous and hopefully your search for best kindly inspiring…..peacefully living'is so glamourous

  3. I am so glad to have stumbled upon your videos. I have been enjoying conventional gardening but weeding and digging …has been a pain! Now I plan to garden no dig and so far I am amazed by how easy the concept is. We'll see. 2022 is gonna be my first no dig year. 😉

  4. I have an idea that once upon a time, a gardener had an apprentice who was being a pain, so for that apprentice, he invented the "neccessity" of double digging a bed. He then informed his pals who duly employed the same technique for tiring out their lippy juniors and from there on, it became accepted practice.

  5. Oh God, Charles, I sooooo much agree. I am about the same age as you , live not too far away and also work as a gardener . My belief is that the majority of gardening books and YouTube vids are produced by people who have had very little practical experience of what they teach and preach and are just regurgitating ideas they have come across in other books vids and courses, and. are just trying to build a career in media for themselves. what my fathers generation would have called a bunch of desk Johnies who have never had to get their hands dirty . And this is what makes you different to all of those people Charles, As soon as I started reading one of your books many years ago , I could tell in every sentence that you were speaking from many years of your own experience .
    I would like to close by just dispelling one of these garden myths. Yes you can move peonies. I have done it in Summer and winter and you do it in just the same way as any other herbaceous perennial and they take to it no worse and no better than any of the others . Having got that off my chest I feel so much better , thankyou

  6. Last year I dug 1.5 ft deep and got 1 sickly spaghetti squash. This year, with no dig, I'm looking at over 10 very healthy spaghetti squashes. Amazing!

  7. Hi. I really like this book. It's great, and you learn so much. Keep my crops un no digging way and doing most of the things charles says here. Really interesting to be learning while you are reading .

  8. I forgot I usually watch at 2x, and accidentally watched this on regular, and oh my god, it's like this guy is living at 1/2 speed, he makes Eeyore seem like a witty recontour, it's almost a parody, he has the most head movements to the least words of any person I've ever seen, brilliant cartoon style of speaking and hilarious.

  9. Making gardening simple, accessible, and easy to understand is your gift to us, Mr. Dowding. I so appreciate your wisdom and I practice it in my own approach to gardening. I have a knack for overthinking and getting overwhelmed by choice and the prospect of having to buy all the things. But thanks to you I realize I have all that is needed within my reach. More people need to realize that gardening is obtainable no matter the scale.

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