June 7, 2024

VIDEO: Whole Soil Fertility in Practice with Ea Murphy Part 2

Soil scientist, Ea Murphy teaches us about whole soil fertility and how to build soil over time for healthier plants and microbial communities. Part 2 focuses on putting soil building methods into practice in your own garden/farm. Her book “Whole Soil Fertility” goes into detail giving us ways to measure and track our soil’s progress as we build life. Reap healthy harvests and enjoy the many benefits of cultivating vital and dynamic soils in your garden/farm.

4 thoughts on “VIDEO: Whole Soil Fertility in Practice with Ea Murphy Part 2

  1. The presentation was very good. The information was well organized and presented in a clear, concise and effective manner with very good Illustrative slides.

    However I did have some difficulty understanding the graphs presented on the compost slide. I tried to pull up the article cited Sullivan et al. (2003). Compost Science & Utilization, 11 (3): 265 – 275. Is that the correct citation or was the year actually 2013?

    Thank you Ea Murphy and Living Web Farms

  2. If you plant legumes than it doesn't appear in the soil because it would be traded between the plants for carbon or minerals, soil is only the dump for plants, its only improved for future plants not current plants.

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