July 2, 2024

VIDEO: Intro To Charcuterie with Meredith Leigh

Get a detailed introduction to the art and science of preserving meat with Meredith Leigh, the author of “The Ethical Meat Handbook.” Learn ways to prepare various cured meats and how to achieve delicious results from creating your own charcuterie at home.

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Intro To Charcuterie with Meredith Leigh

  1. Just an FYI…For the same $100, goes on sale for less, as the Chef's Choice, you can get the Kitchener #12 Grinder. It has a larger grind head and all metal gearing. I own one and have had discussions with some 100 other owners thru SmokingMeatForums.com that can testify to the grinders speed and durability. I also suggest spending and additional $100 to $150 on a dedicated 5Lb Sausage Stuffer. They are worth every penny over the aggravation and cussing you and your family will experience trying to stuff with a Grinder. I have no affiliation with any company just 20+ years making sausage…JJ

  2. Really good and practical views on meat processing and keeping a big picture mentality of our food and practices. I wasn't expecting to sit through the whole video, but I did, and I am glad I did. Great rules of thumb from a true, and I mean true, expert who is obviously an intense experimenter and practitioner on that which she teaches. You just can't fake that level of expertise. I am now going to scurry off and get her book. Fabulous seminar.

  3. best friend is a master at making and smoking his own sausage, I have 3different kinds in my freezer right now. Mostly made using pork butt. Also made with wild hog and deer killed and cleaned and prepared by us. But his grinder would eat hers for lunch LOL. he built his smokehouse himself and it has a custom made stainless fire pit made by another friend of ours. It is sooo good. just made 25lbs of breakfast sausage and 25lbs of chorizo, They are both great, just finished the last of the chipotle bourbon smoked sausage, DAMN!

  4. Amazing video, thank you so much for all you do. These are some of the oldest passed down knowledges available today.

  5. What are your opinions about old recipes that are traditionally done without nitrates safely, and even mass produced and exported with salt and fat only like prosciutto? I recently started one from an Italian recipe, and I didn't even think about how it didn't have nitrates.

  6. As someone who went into debt for culinary school, this is a much more in depth lesson than I got in culinary school. Not that I didn't learn anything there… I can de-bone and process a chicken in about 2 minutes but we all had to teach ourselves the sausage and other garde manger type lessons. We did not cover curing and smoking as in depth as we should have. This is in depth and full of info.

  7. She mentions that bacon keeps fine in the freezer after smoking. I've honestly found that it not only keeps fine, but !gets better! (without spoiling) after being held in the freezer for at least a couple months post-smoke.

  8. Congrats Meredith you are a great teacher for so many brazilians! Would you stay in touch to bring your book translated to Brasil? I will be.glad If could work with you in that translation and support you… Regards, best wishes

  9. Great information thank you! I must have missed who/why there was a guy in orange walking in and out of frame! I'm looking forward to reading your book!

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