March 26, 2025

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Winter bed prep and important lesson re learned

  1. I am glad you are doing better now. And I can relate to what you are saying. I use grass clipping, Mulch and straw to help the garden to take care of its self, for the most part. And I have found, if you give up. It is very hard to get going again. So you did the right thing. Just trying a few min a day is all it takes to keep you on the rode to staying with it.
    I wish you well and much happiness.

  2. What a sweetie you are – to be thankful for the little you had – just loved your video – Im sure sorry for your health issues and so glad you are getting better… even if it is slowly – Love your closing remarks – about not letting the challenges of life keep you from your goals – love love love this vid – great!

  3. I actually really liked your first idea to continue the little strip of perennials. Glad to hear you are mostly better now. (It is odd. I got very sick for a long period of time, too. No-where near as long as you though.)

  4. the beds look good mate as long as you can reach the middle I did narrow paths but I seem to be able to get more in. I need to build two more. Have some time now just got laid off got a site 2nd week jan but would have been better t get another 3 4 weeks… You have done great considering what your family have gone through man, I didnt see this post as on you tube says you have 2 posts so I didnt see it… I see they are trying to fix the vote after the fact greens eh. Looks like the snowflakes are in melt down.

  5. I think getting out in the garden and working in the dirt is very therapeutic. Then there is the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes from producing your own food and feeling a little less dependent on a system that doesn't have your health in mind. Thanks for sharing!!

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