June 9, 2024


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June 18-22, 2018 – Hemmingford, QC: http://bit.ly/JMCurtis2018
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Oct 15-19, 2018 – Selmer, TN – http://bit.ly/SelmerOct15

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own backyard or someone else’s.
Everything in one place: http://theurbanfarmer.co/curtis-gear-list/
Paper Pot Transplanter: http://paperpot.co/
Caterpillar tunnel: http://bit.ly/2gItRNf
Quick Cut Greens Harvester: http://bit.ly/1W3nLGb
Knife and Tool Sharpener: http://bit.ly/29DHlos
Jang Seeder: http://goo.gl/XGvJtl
Row Bags: http://goo.gl/eI1CLp
Insect Netting: http://goo.gl/rjyimK
The Coolbot | $20 off!: http://bit.ly/2l6DhEx
Vlog 60


  1. Impressed with the set up, am no expert but I think wasps and ladybirds are natural aphid predators, is usual story whereby nature has a lot of the answers. Am sure you will find more info online.

  2. Curtis, a good way to control aphids, whether in a green house or out of doors, is to use diatomaceous earth (DE) in a puffer applicator. It is completely harmless to humans, animals and the environment. To us, it it like talcum powder; to the aphids, it is like razor sharp pieces of glass that lacerates their bodies and they simply die from loss of fluids to their bodies. This powder is also used for dusting cattle, chickens and other farm animals to rid them of parasites. It can also be used to flush out parasites from the intestinal tract by mixing it with water and simply drinking it. BTW, thanks for all of the great videos and the much needed information that is so lacking in our "Civilized" society. God Bless.

  3. Oh, I forgot to address the issue of allowing the water from the upper containers in your wall garden to pass down into the lower containers. If your water is anything like where I live, you probably have hard water…since you probably live in an area were your water source comes directly from the mountains, and is saturated with dissolved minerals. The lower containers will begin to show signs of salt build up on the surface of the soil. I have notice this in my vertical garden boxes in my green house. I have not yet found any sort of solution to this just yet. I just thought you may want to monitor this.

  4. I noticed that I can get rid of aphids simply by closing the vents in the greenhouse on a sunny day and letting the temperature rise somewhere near 50 Celsius (°C) or 120 F. The plants (tomatoes, onion, basil) stand that heat well for a few hours, of course they MUST get water enough.

  5. If that grow wall was the same shape as the hexagrams which take the grow sacs it would be utilizing fractality or harmonic compression which can increase growth of plants by 100 percent. Check out dan winter on you tube for more information. Fractality, has so many uses and is no question the future of arcitecture and physics to a large extent. Or perhaps the present for those who have availed the their selves of the information.

  6. efficient microfarming (a distributed food production system) with distributed energy production would be able to handle any big event such as a supervolcano, asteroid, climate change, nuclear war, Carington event, etc. you lose one piece of geography but there are no critical energy and food production systems with bottle necks (for example a large power plant, large farm, critical power line corridors,etc). The places that remain unaffected continue on as before.

    Depending on 100 or so large power plants with limited energy distribution corridors is just begging for trouble eventually. we have just got lucky this first hundred years of modern civilization but will likely have an event in the next five hundred.

    Distributed production of pharmaceuticals and tools with makerbots in each city would be the next stage in creating a robust civilization immune to many types of regional systemic crises.

    obviously the production facility for makerbots is still a weak link but there is only one thing that has to be rebuilt to get things started again versus thousands lol

  7. If you had a continuing supply of aphids, you could sustain a population of aphid predators. Might be more stable than trying to maintain an anti-aphid quarantine.

    Impatiens are easy to propagate and are easily infested with aphids and are even pretty.
    A few pots raised on a windowsill someplace with aphids could be the supply.
    Transfer a pot to the greenhouse every once in a while to feed the wasps.
    If the aphids don't go away relatively quickly, you at least have warning
    that a problem is building.

    Might be a good job for kids. Lots of teaching moments in there.

  8. It has been said that a spray of garlic water deters aphids. Have not tried that myself, but it makes sense. What I have done and has worked for me, ( though, I am not quite near the scale of production ) is in a 1 litre spray, I add 1tsp of dish soap and 1 Tbs of milk to the water. rotate the bottle to mix and good to go. That soap/milk had also been suggested for preventing vine dust on squash. Just tried that spray on the squash today, will try to update you on how that has turned out. (Love you videos, stoked you live in Kelowna, (beautiful place) used to live in the Okanagan for a few years, hope to return at some point, but we will see. )

  9. wouldn't that vertical wall irrigation work a bit better using some type of wicking? I mean the dripping from one cell to the other would take a bit and leave the upper most cells more wet and the lower ones more dry right? and wouldn't that also leave the upper cells more susceptible to root rot?

  10. Two things that I noticed in this video ; every version of Safer Soap and Green Cleaner applied with an ATOMIZER (a regular sprayer is ineffective) will eliminate your aphids,and spider mites in a few minutes. After the soap dries in a few more minutes ( at this point the aphids will be dead) then spray again with the ATOMIZER with straight tap water to wash off the soap residue. Secondly, when you use a dehumidifier, PLACE IT AS HIGH AS YOU CAN (just below the ceiling) because warm air holds more moisture and IT RISES so it will condense more water with the same energy input. Additionally, if the dehumidifier is high in the air you can collect the FREE DISTILLED WATER that you can you can use to water/flush the soil of your plants.

  11. You might want to check your soil,. I read on another channel this morning that aphids won’t attack a plant for no reason, while plants around it go unaffected. He said start with nitrates. Hope this helps.

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