We had a plant volunteer in one of our compost piles. We have been trying to identify the plant for a couple of weeks. We finally broke down and tasted it raw and think we have figured out what it is.
VIDEO: Mystery Plant Identified Maybe
We had a plant volunteer in one of our compost piles. We have been trying to identify the plant for a couple of weeks. We finally broke down and tasted it raw and think we have figured out what it is.
Looks like you compost between rows/plants… I do this too and it works great !!!
I think it likes that spot.
I thought it was bok choy
I think you are right about it size being because it is growing in a compost pile
I had come to that conclusion myself when I saw the scraps sitting there in a few videos back. The compost piles can add heat to the area too which can help in the colder months. I have seen videos where people are using compost piles to help heat up greenhouse! It is amazing what all you can do with compost
Thanks for sharing.
Very interesting. It is a very happy plant. Congratulations on identifying it. Mystery solved.Thanks for sharing.