June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Garden Update and Harvest August 16, 2020

Our peas and climbing green beans are starting to produce well. Our Roma tomatoes are finishing up. Our peppers are really kicking in and we have a baby pumpkin!

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Update and Harvest August 16, 2020

  1. Crack in the ground made me think of the earthquake we had last week. Garden is looking really good as always! Very nice harvest ya picked! Loved the meal being all from your homestead. Stay safe and have a wonderful week!

  2. Mmm that looks like a real delicious meal there Lea!!
    A lot of good harvest!! Real good harvest on the rattle snake pole beans!!
    Hope y'all get lots of melons and pumpkins!! Bet that fish water would help the pumpkins!!
    Have a good'nnn

  3. That’s awesome when everything on you plate is from your own garden including the protein! The water out of the catfish filter looks like it’s loaded with nutrients, I bet the plants love it!


  4. This is really amazing. I'm so glad I found your channel! Do you eat all this produce in one week, or are you preserving some? I'd love to know how you are preserving all this beautiful bounty if you are!

  5. I've never ever seen that kind of sun flowers (mexican sun flower) before, beautiful. Your garden is amazing! Which states of USA do you live? Your place is so green, sadly here in my place Queensland, Australia everything is brown, unfortunately no good rain at all.

  6. Beautiful and abundant looking garden. We grew Zinnias this year and were so happy with them we'll grow them every year. I'm a little jealous of your grow zone from up here in Northern Vermont. Subscribed – I'll be following.

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