December 23, 2024

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvesting Turnips and Turnip Greens and Cooking them for Lunch

  1. Nice video!, I just started growing turnip last month and the greens are already too big and are ready to harvest!. one thing that I noticed in your video that some of your turnip greens have small holes in them, is this normal, my turnip greens also has them for some reason, can I still eat those greens or are they not good anymore?, also do you think the pests are the ones who made these small holes in the first place?

  2. thanks for your video. i've just started getting right into my vegetable garden and turnips was one thing I've planted, but I wasn't sure when to harvest them and how to cook them. now i do 🙂

  3. well, this is my first garden. sowed turnips and greens seeds not knowing they are a cold weather crop! the 3 small turnips knew, but the big bushy greens never got the memo!!! i wanted space to sow something else today, so pulled them all up for the compost pile. WOW there are enough for a good "mess" as granny called them, so i'm happily surprised! i am here to see how to cook them. thank you very much!!!

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