There’s always one in the flock… This chicken has no fear of foxes or wild dogs and she’s pushing luck to the limits. Plus, we identify a herb that I had forgotten the name of growing down the back – well, I think I know what it is… cardamom ginger leaf… maybe
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the randy ducks in the background made me laugh!
Your ducks might not eat it if you plant some in the pen, it has a strong taste. Or even some ginger!
Why didn't you just move the fence? she obviously likes the herbs…
thats cardamom bush, i believe.
funny stuff!
glad all sorted now but you could have moved plant inside fence and fenced it off from ducks.
Why don't you transplant the herb back on the inside of the fence? Maybe she'll stay in if you do.
Maybe she's a loner.
Hi Mark, you'll have to plant a clump or two of that herb inside the pen so miss henny and her friends can sit under it in the summer time. Smaller wire netting attached to the strong netting you have will stop her from returning
Dig the plant up and get rid of the dry material.
You should take the plant off and put it in the safe zone and make this place cemented
I thought this.was so cute,
But then I was sad for her ..
For her to go out of her way every day, to hide .
Seems she really wanted to be a mom…
Dig up the plant and bring it within the barrier
She looks broody
I think she may be a bantam hen. I wonder what happened to her?
She was cheating on you for quite a while. She needed some space.
I watched this twice, lolz. So funny
Does she need to sithereggs?
Whack in a few star pickets with chicken wire around that plant so she can get in and out safely.
I do not know WHY they do that! Mine used to go out into the woods like that, too! Coyotes run there. Thanks again Mark.
She’s broody. Mr Google Pants will give you some advice?
9:57 that was so funny omg im crying. "you naughty girl. im taking it"
It looks like guinea pepper
I like your work and success,keep it up
Your videos are so entertaining….funny with this chicken….thanks for sharing
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maybe she just likes that plant? i would just build another fence over the little spot just for her if she'll be a good egg layer it's worth it lol and your ducks won't be able to get to it.