We are sifting material that we gathered from the chicken run to amend the soil in the garlic bed.
VIDEO: Sifting Chicken Dirt
We are sifting material that we gathered from the chicken run to amend the soil in the garlic bed.
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Love the chicken dirt. Hard to sieve when wet. Merry Christmas. Best wishes Bob.
I built a frame that fit on the wheel barrel, then I put wheels under the sifter and the sifter can be slid back and forth by one person.
I love barred rocks. I had a few last year they are great layers! Nice coop. I may something like that for the ducks im getting in the spring.
I do kinda of the same think. I wrapped a piece of wire on a piece of cattle panel. I then bang it on a barrel until the little bits fall thru. My dirt frozen at the moment.
Wish I had some of that 'chicken dirt'. We've talked about getting chickens, but we just seem to never get around to it.
Great idea..Thanks for sharing
As you say, those chickens are amazing "composting machines". Lovely.
That's a lot of work. …..but worth it.
I wonder if a rolling pin would get that chicken dirt pushed through that screen. Do you have an old one that you don't care about much?