June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Garden Harvest and Update August 12

We harvest our second planting of sweet corn this summer. We grew Stowell’s Evergreen for our first planting and then planted some Silver Queen. We just harvested our Silver Queen in this video. We also harvested some peppers and butter beans.

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Harvest and Update August 12

  1. Nice looking corn ya got there. Took our okra awhile to get in gear and start producing. Yours should kick in soon. Garden is looking good! You folks always grow some awesome stuff over there. Lots of poundage! Have a great week!

  2. That's a very nice harvest on the corn there Lea!!
    Also on the rest of the goodness!! Weird on the okrie plant but outta start having
    a good harvest of it. Hope your garden produces more beans than you know what to
    do with!! Sounds like a very nice amount of harvest poundage this year thus far!!
    Have a good'nnn

  3. I've just recently heard that (although uncommon) every once in awhile you can get a sterile plant that just doesn't produce anything. I'm not sure what causes it, but maybe that's what you've got with the one okra plant.

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