June 8, 2024

VIDEO: How to Make Seaweed Fertilizer at Home! Cheap Easy & Organic!

Fertilize your houseplants, garden, flowers, fruit trees, shurbs, and whatever else you care to fertilize with this very cheap and easy organic fertilizer made from seaweed. It is a wonderful water soluable fertilizer that is packed with nutrients, minerals, and good stuff for your plants. The best part is that it costs pennies to make! kelp meal or seaweed extract is expensive and very easy to make at home cheaply, so why not save money!

Get seaweed here: http://amzn.to/2iiNACi
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Make Seaweed Fertilizer at Home! Cheap Easy & Organic!

  1. When taking the DIY approach, there are no application instructions. What application strengths are we talking about? I see you diluted it by 50%. So you just pour it on or root feed and in what concentrations? If I pour 2 cups on a 1 gallon pot, will it burn the plant?

  2. Can you please address the high levels of toxic chemicals in the ocean and seaweed contamination risks? Do you buy it from only certain parts of the world? Thanks

  3. Hi yes I just watched your video and I think it's definitely a great idea…but when you initially soak it in the water to get the salt out…. aren't you losing the vitamins at the same time???

  4. A huge advantage of using seaweed fertilizer as a foliar spray in places like here in Florida is a hormone that strengthen the plants resistance against root knot nematodes. That hormone is called cytokinins.

  5. I bought " Condensed Liquid Organic Fertilizer from Marine Plant Extract (brown algae (Ascophyllum Nodosum))"  and considering using for my tomato and pepper plants, do you think it is a good option or should i use the general tomato fertilizers?

  6. This time of the year our beaches are covered in sargassum seaweed, I collected some washed out to get the salts out then dried it then re-wash again chopped it up and put it in a 2 gallon pail yesterday. How long should I leave it? How often should I apply it? Thanks

  7. This is certainly better than nothing but it isn't really comparable to liquid seaweed or kelp extract for a couple of reasons.

    1) What you've made is more of a seaweed tea that will only really leach the soluble nutrients, which there really isn't all that much of. In order to really benefit from the proteins, aminos, and growth hormones, you need to ferment the kelp using molasses and lactic acid bacteria, and minimal amounts of water. It will take about 2 weeks but using those things will keep the smell to almost nothing.

    2) Not all seaweeds are created equally. Go out and buy some kelp meal. It isn't that much more expensive but it will be the most bountiful as it contains over 60 minerals.

    If you are going to do it, you may as well unlock the actual benefits of liquid seaweed, which isn't about npk, as there is almost no soluble npk values until it is broken down by microbes.

  8. Hi please help I live in Ny .I just started the kratky in water bottle using aerogarden growing kit.but I'm not doing well .I m afraid I have root rot.my seedling is drying.im starting fresh with lettuce 2 weeks ago .should I change the nutrients water every week..please reply anybody.i only have a window sill I also cover them .help or should I reduce the water nutrient.thank you.

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