Today’s chore is cutting back the old asparagus and weeding the bed. We plant some spinach from seed in the bed as well.
VIDEO: Cutting Back and Cleaning out the Asparagus Bed
Today’s chore is cutting back the old asparagus and weeding the bed. We plant some spinach from seed in the bed as well.
In the beginning of this video I say that the asparagus is dead. It's not dead, just dormant, finished for the season. Oops, Thanks!!
Great video! Your chickens are so sweeet!!! Just subbed to your channel
Your asparagus be looks great and ready for spring growth. I still have to work on my asparagus bed. Yes, there some weeding to be done:-)
Thanks for sharing lot of hard work there
Hi, You made The Best Video, I Liked and SHARED it, and SUBSCRIBED on you, please VISIT my channel 8)
Hi, your video is awesome, I Liked and SHARED it, and SUBSCRIBED on you, please VISIT my channel 8)
Hi, your video is fantastic, I Liked and SHARED it, and SUBSCRIBED on you, please VISIT my channel 8)
So stinkin cute! Love your chickens! I need to work on me an asparagus bed. Thanks for the motivation!
We've got to get us some chickens.
Nice job cleaning out that bed
Without a doubt, they are chicken =P
big like hun please keep in touch check me out L
a lot of work but it will pay off for you in the spring, your chickens are just too cute. Darn hawk, I hope it goes away lol! TFS
I soooooo need to do this in our asparagus bed, but I just keep putting it on the back burner!!! Thx for sharing
Nice asparagus bed, I'm jealous!! I really hope that hawk doesn't cause you any additional issues in the future. I heard they can be quite vicious.
great vidoe thumb up 9
Awesome Job! I tried to grow some asparagus from seed a couple years back…. its still growing…lol Last year I finally just bought a couple asparagus crowns.
Great Video
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Well done video, thanks for the ride, have a great new year.
great job
Nice backyard garden, LIKE#14
Just love those chickens … naughty hawk lol ….. loved when the chuck pecked the lens lol … pretty neat job in that bed too
Thanks for sharing
Awesome and funny video I have subbed your great channel back. My like # 17
great clean up & prep!!