June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Have I Mentioned We Really Like Green Beans

This video shows today’s harvest of Roma tomatoes and green beans. We picked some Marconi peppers, but just enough to cook with today. I am going to a conference in Biloxi and won’t be back until late Friday. I don’t have a smart phone so I won’t be able to answer comments or comment until I get back. So if I don’t respond to a comment I’m not being rude…I’m gone! Thanks!!

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Have I Mentioned We Really Like Green Beans

  1. Green beans are one of the few veggies I like, along with Broccoli, Corn, and Brussel Sprouts. Awesome haul from the garden, now all the hard work is really paying off!!! Have a safe trip to and from Biloxi!!!

  2. Great looking Romas and Green Beans. We love them here also. Your garden is looking good still. We just planted sweet potatoes and some greens on Saturday. Have fun at your conference Check Out the Garlic when you get back. God Bless

  3. Wonderful harvest. Those eggplants are loaded. I am starting to get some summer squash and cucs. Mostly, I am twiddling my thumbs waiting for the warmth to drive the plants. In the meantime, it's really nice to see y'all's harvest.

  4. I am hiding my eggplants from now on. those plants are amazing. well the rest of your garden too. your busy now with tomatoes and beans canning I bet. that's a lot of work too. your mulching is working great. thanks have a pbd. peaceful blessed day.

  5. wow nice vegies. Wish i could grow stuff here in the desert all we have are scrub brush and tumble weeds. Thanks for subscribing to my channel I have subscribed to yours as well. Thanks for sharing

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