June 8, 2024

VIDEO: How to deal with customers who don't pay!

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own backyard or someone else’s.
Everything in one place: http://theurbanfarmer.co/curtis-gear-list/
Paper Pot Transplanter: http://paperpot.co/
Caterpillar tunnel: http://bit.ly/2gItRNf
Quick Cut Greens Harvester: http://bit.ly/1W3nLGb
Knife and Tool Sharpener: http://bit.ly/29DHlos
Jang Seeder: http://goo.gl/XGvJtl
Row Bags: http://goo.gl/eI1CLp
Insect Netting: http://goo.gl/rjyimK
The Coolbot | $20 off!: http://bit.ly/2l6DhEx

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to deal with customers who don't pay!

  1. Your thinking of abundance mentality vs scarcity mentality was such an eye-opener for me! Thank you so much for saying what you said in this video. So many of us are stuck in life because of a bad experience/ fear of it happening again. Hearing your words really helped put things in perspective and in moving on.

  2. Totally. Some (big or small) would just string you along until they decide to pay you as they know SMEs don't have the additional cash flow to Institute legal action. Like you said trust your instinct.

  3. You know they say churches are the worst when it comes to not paying their bill but if you own the restaurant and they didn't pay why is it that nobody would take consideration of writing down the plate number of 20 people that come into a restaurant smoke some grass Raise Some Hell and walk out without paying. Plate numbers of the vehicles

  4. 9:30 to keep it super simple, in a bankruptcy it goes deemed trusts (CRA typically), secured claimants (banks typically)-, and then unsecured claims ( you typically lol, this is essentially any debt not backed by a mortgage or line on assets). Rarely do the secured claims get fully paid, unsecured lenders typically get pennies on the dollar if anything unless the debtor held a lot of assets that were easy to realize on…… Never accept a receivable you can't survive if it goes uncollected. Try and get references from other suppliers for small outlets asking for credit/terms ( not inappropriate to ask for this). Lastly you can also do debt searches on people/corporations so you'll have an idea how deeply indebted they are before you further that debt (these searches are not free but not expensive either). Never forget to add a small discount to those who settle on delivery OR to charge interest after 30 days. Sorry to hear about you bad experience Kurt but you'll learn from it and be a better business operator as a result.

  5. Yep, let it go, that was a good life lesson. Hopefully people can apply that when it happens to them, it is hard, no doubt.

  6. Sad this kind of problem exists in other industries other than mine… video production. Being the artist and the book keeper at the same time makes things difficult in my business. I only give clients a certain amount of credit then I wait till they catch up and then we start again.

  7. One thing that I found out is that here in the US, if someone writes you a check, you can bring the check directly to the bank that the check is issued from and cash it out. The bank gives you cash and will hold the writer of the check responsible. Great video. Great wisdom.

  8. I noticed at least one person below who wanted advice on "how to listen to one's gut" so I'll give you'all my own starting strategy here if any of you are completely clueless. There are times in everyone's life when you have just locked up your house when a thought hit's you, "Did I leave the lights/stove/iron etc on?" Instead of ignoring that thought, turn around and re-enter your house to check. I can almost guarantee that you did not leave your lights/stove/iron on, but you will actually discover that you forgot your lunch, desk keys or some other thing that you forgot to do. With practice, you will learn to trust that "still small voice" (1 Kings 19:12) even when it doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense. Personal experience – one day, heading out of my office cubicle to go outside and approaching the elevator I get, "Go get your umbrella." Looking out the windows, giving me a full view of nearby hillsides I see nothing but bright sunshine. I decide I'm not going to bother to walk the few feet back to retrieve my umbrella when I can see that it's perfectly bright and sunny outside. I get to the ground floor, step outside and look straight up. Crap! One very large, very black cloud is straight overhead. I hustle out to buy whatever and head back in – needless to say, I got rained on in the last block before I could reach my building in time. Now, I will admit, that even now, sometimes I'm too lazy about this but I will at least admit that, "I was told" and sometimes, if it turns out to be very important, that still small voice will get a bit insistent. Many of you who are watching this vid and others like, are probably already wrestling with that little internal prompting to make certain changes in your life even though you actually have a nice job that pays all your bills but ……… something just isn't right. Just remember Enron (google it if you're too young to know). Once upon a time, people had great jobs in Enron, pulling excellent salaries and one day the employees come to work to discover that their nice high paying job is all over. I can almost guarantee you, that some of those very employees once had a thought, "You know, I think I would like to quit this job and go work for some smaller organisation or start up a consultancy somewhere" but pushing that thought aside, they took a second mortgage and went on expensive vacations until ……

  9. I'm not in the farming industry, but early in my business I was owed money from an electrician who I did subcontracting for. This was during a time in my life when I had little in the bank and every cent was going to pay for something. Losing any money would have been devastating. Over and over he promised to pay me and then stopped taking my calls altogether. Well, I drove to his house and waited for him to come home. When he pulled in his driveway, I pulled in behind him and stepped out of my truck with a baseball bat. He said, "I have your money." Later as I got more savvy in the ways of business and didn't want to go to jail, I pursued a more legal route. I had a client who owns a national recognized coffee and donut shop who owed a great deal of outstanding debt. We tried to make arrangements for him to get current, but each time we came to an agreement the payment just never came. Finally we took him to court and he didn't show. We presented the contract to the judge and the judge ruled in our favor. We proceeded to freeze his bank account. Within a day he called. He still wanted to make some sort of deal. We said, "The deal is, you pay what you owe us and we'll remove the freeze. Until then, good luck." He said we can come pick up a check. We told him we wanted cash, his check is no good and he'll have to deliver it to us. That was more satisfying then the baseball bat.

  10. Curtis, I know this is an older video, but I did not see it when it came out. I have watched hundreds of your videos as a subscriber. The things you teach and the plain and simple truths you speak and the people you help make this world a better place. Simple small acts and everyday truths are in front of us always. We just need to pay attention. Thanks and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  11. The reason why they pay 30-60-90 day is primarily one reason!!!!
    It is not because they don't have the check or cash right there!!!! It's because they need to make money on your product that pays for:
    1– the rent
    2– ". Electric bill
    3– ". labor. "
    4– " there mortgage
    5– ". Car
    6–. Do u see a pattern yet???

    Yah, I no not all but honestly, u r nearly the last person who they worry about because your the most forgiving, & generous that will be last to directly affect there business!!!!
    1– don't pay rent. Doors locked!!
    2– don't pay. — Turned off!!
    3-dont pay. —- They leave
    4-". ". —- Foreclosure
    5–". ". —— Repo
    6– Because u r the biggest generous, caring, understanding, patient, SUCKER, u get nothing but hassle, grief, depression, & general health decline!!!!
    I'm sorry such a good, giving, & caring person that u r was taking advantage from, BUT, BUT, this has to happen in your STYLE of business because if not u will allow this to happen to u forever on a smaller but more costly 5-10-20 year business experience.
    I'm sorry but be grateful for the experience now rather than 25 years from now. And, I believe you've learned!! And yes, trust your experienced gut!!!!!
    I've been there, done that!
    Don't worry, I've spoken with God & he says we get to sit on the left hand of His throne & judge these people…..lol x 10
    Be blessed my friend.

  12. Ben Franklin said something about neither a borrower nor a lender be, I think. When you sell on terms, your customers are basically asking you for an unsecured loan. If you are going to do it that way, and don't feel like enforcing things physically, then it sounds like you found the best way to deal with it. That, and write off the loss at tax time.

  13. I have suggestion; if the balance is under $500 I would suggest playing it very cool and continuing to deliver and play their game. Then that week you can bring your family and friends in and reserve a table for 8, have a merry time and then take the bill to the manager and have her deduct it off their balance. Don’t forget to tip tho!

  14. All right see what you do Tony is you find out where the family lives and you kidnap one of their family members until they pay up and if they speak about it anyone wearing a funny costume bad things happen capiche
    – Gardening Mafia Boss :
    Don Tom Atto Trellis

  15. I'm a kitchen maker and I always ask for money upfront for materials first and the rest on completion. If they don't agree to my terms…they miss out on a magnificent kitchen.

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