June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Panama Berry – Tastes Like Cotton Candy (Muntingia)

Growing the Panama Berry Tree is definitely a recommendation I’m happy to give to all backyard food gardeners. It’s a good looking tree and produces fruit for most of the year – it’s an early fruiter too!
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Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Panama Berry – Tastes Like Cotton Candy (Muntingia)

  1. In Indonesia, they're called "talok/kersen". They have a lot of branch, easy to climb if they're big enough. The trees grow almost anywhere. Children and fruit bats love them.

  2. I planted one of these 8 months ago Northern NSW… now it's over 3 metres tall. While summer was dry, I provided fairly average watering compared to other fruit trees. I planted 2 more a few months later with nowhere near the same growth rate. Excellent pioneer tree!

  3. Phillipines they are native too known as the aratallis. I believe not sure i may hace spelt it wrong i have this tree in my backyard in southwest florida def a cotton candy taste

  4. I love this tree and its pretty common in the secondary growth vegetation in the warm areas of the republic of Panama, in all tropical central America, tropical South America and the Caribbean islands and this tree species is native to the American continent but widespread in other tropical and subtropical areas outside the Americas.

  5. I live in California and just bought one online, it's less than a foot tall, I put it in a ten gallon fabric bag and potting soil, inside my greenhouse. Do you think that's the best spot for it since it's hot and humid?

  6. My branches grow upside down. I don't know what this means but the branches grow downward at the knots. I don't know if that's a genetic defect from it's grafting or what. Any ideas

  7. I plant a lot of companions for my fruit trees, such as sweet potato and fast growing pigeon pea. Panama berry trees that I planted (Northern NSW) 18 months ago are 3 m tall, bushy and fruiting like crazy.

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