March 15, 2025

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Frugal Weekend Lunches

  1. That's great I'll have to fly over and grab some lunch, it's given me an idea for my venison steaks too. An ingredient I'd be tempted to add to the turnip would be nuts, any kind would probably do or a mix, just a thought 🙂

  2. The first time I have seen a video with Deer meat and Turnips. The colour of the dish looks good. Lots of nutrition there.
    I grow a wide range of foods, mostly microgreens, baby leaf and Asian crops.
    Fish from the pond, now that's awesome!
    Marty Ware (Australian Micro Farmer)

  3. These are very good… I always like to mix and match… for some items I spend more to have some good quality, sometimes I get the food in special shops like in a chinese store one would pay way less than in a regular store ;-)) Am really lazy with my garden… my respect for your lifestyle and all the hard work in your garden! :-))

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