June 10, 2024


Filmed at Roebuck Farm as part of my 1-Day workshop.
How to make and use a fresh sheet.
SUB: http://bit.ly/2d7dQgd POPULAR VIDEOS: http://bit.ly/2cmcFLe
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Donate any amount – http://bit.ly/2h0KfKw

New Zealand – Feb 7
Victoria, BC – Marc 25, 26, 2017
Kelowna, BC – June 19/July 17/Aug 14

Music by: David Cutter Music – www.davidcuttermusic.co.uk

Quick Cut Greens Harvester: http://bit.ly/1W3nLGb
Knife and Tool Sharpener: http://bit.ly/29DHlos
Jang Seeder: http://goo.gl/XGvJtl
Row Bags: http://goo.gl/eI1CLp
Insect Netting: http://goo.gl/rjyimK
The Coolbot: http://bit.ly/2cziu7v
Canon Rebel T6i: http://amzn.to/29JApHr
Canon wide angle lens 10-18mm: http://amzn.to/2a2t1pl
Shure Lens Hopper shotgun mic: http://amzn.to/29zpdMz
Joby Gorilla Pod (flexible tripod): http://amzn.to/29JBBu7
Go Pro action camera: http://amzn.to/29JBU8j
Phantom 4 Drone: http://amzn.to/29zqenG
iPad 4 for drone controller: http://amzn.to/29vwKdh
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20 thoughts on “VIDEO: THE FRESH SHEET

  1. Check out this news about the coming sunspot minimum cycle over the next few years and what it will lead to with much much lower temperatures. This will have a huge effect on man's ability to grow food. The UK and EU are already feeling the effects with vegetable shortages there. This will make the Irish potato famine look like a picnic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jubqRarMFoM Here's another link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qxdwP0tHT8

  2. Hey Curtis, when I went to the URL I couldn't find the fresh sheet template . . . Any help is appreciated! Thanks. Love the great work, you're really helping a lot of folks get educated man!

  3. I saw a past vid for ordering seeds and was wondering if you have any suggestions for different climates? You had a suggestion for the Canadian region. I'm at zone 8-9 in Louisiana.

  4. Hi Curtis, awesome great material – always much appreciated. I want to buy your book, but how much of it would be accurate for other countries (England)? Also I don't know how much of your business model is replicable/adaptable for England, as Canada has really cheap property/land compared to here (if property owners here could make a killing by renting their backyard, they probably won't barter it for salad & veggies, but I may be just overly pessimistic)..? I ask because I'm very seriously considering starting an urban farm on a shoestring, and I don't know of similar models to yours that succeeded here.

  5. What an awesome real life vlog . I'm always looking for some entertaining videos on youtube to relieve some stress. This is
    great. Keep it up . We need this kind of entertainment. I'm just wondering if I can make a request in the future? Thanks in advance !

  6. Hi Curtis! I would like to ask, how do you avoid under- or overselling products. The fresh sheet doesn't really tell how much product you have and how much is left. If some chef would change a menu, and no longer needs a lot of turnips for example.
    And what happens if you have great orders of one product, of what you haven't been prepared.
    And this two changes every week. Because they ordered a lot one week and they still have leftover on the next.
    I was thinking of making an interactive spreadsheet or a webshop, where chefs can see what I still have

  7. Man thanks! Keep it coming! I know this is totally off topic. And something you do not do. But would you please consider doing a video on water retention and capture! You've seen so many farms. And I know that people do it. What is you position on it. Exspeacilly now that your looking at you teaching farm. Is this something your considering? Yes or no and why or why not? In Kentucky where I am it seems viable.

  8. I have five children and i would have LOVED these when they were littler and potty training. I still have one potty training and seriously… these would be great. Every mom/dad who has a lot to do would rather toss a sheet in the trash rather than wash YET ANOTHER load of clothes/sheets. Also, more people have kids that pee in the bed than kids in college. Put these in the diaper section!!! CRIB SECTION. Children’s bedding at Toys r us. I would be SOLD SOLD SOLD. Also some for my pet beds would be cool too!

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