June 10, 2024

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Vegetable Plant Breeding For Market Gardeners with Bob Andersen

  1. really interesting video. WAY over my head in some places. will watch it again to refresh. but is there any chance of a bibliography, maybe a few suggested reads that were mentioned in the vid by participants, or any others that u think could be relevant?

  2. There is something very VERY satisfying and rewarding about the workshop leader's manner and style here…a lot of people may not have the attention span to realise how his self-deprecation serves to put the group at ease. This is practical science teaching at its best…surely

  3. incase no one ever pointed this out, the family Solanaceae is by definition the family of nightshades. Technically, potatoes, eggplant, peppers, tobacco plus a total of 102 genera and nearly 2,500 species, are all nightshades. So yes deadly nightshade is very much a member of this highly diverse family.

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