March 11, 2025

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Buying My Seeds – Allotment Grow How

  1. Hi Adam, great video, looking forward to seeing the progress of all the seeds etc you have bought. If you would like some seed potatoes called "Jazzy" for you and your dad I have some you can have with pleasure. I over ordered. You will need to plant them in buckets as they don't grow very big but believe me when you have got them on your plate you will be amazed. My neighbour and I tried them last year and thought they were the dogs doodahs. If interested you know were to find me. See you soon, Dave.

  2. Thanks for the footage on the garden center b/c it confirmed what I suspected. British garden centers are much better stocked that what we have in the States. Our big box stores each have exactly 3 varieties of onion sets, 1 variety of garlic and 2 varieties of potatoes. Even our locally owned garden centers are wanting in comparison to yours. Stores don't carry broad beans. I counted 6 potato varieties in your vid! I order mostly on-line here. Living in envy here in Ohio. Thanks and looking forward to watching your progress.

  3. One thing I forgot to mention.  Don't plant those squash and melons to close to each other.  You'll get some huge vines and no fruit if they cross pollinate.  And yes, a fence would be better than something you put up for them.  They're large heavy plants…  Best of  luck with them.  They produced VERY well for me.

  4. Hey Adam, looks like you're turning into a flower guy…. :-).Those inca berries look like what we call here in the states ground cherries. They fall to the ground when they are ready to be harvested. I grow a couple of plants every year. They self seed like crazy since a lot of the falling cherries are missed. I was also very disappointed with the cucamelons and they were expensive too…:-( Wishing you great success on this years growing season. T

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